EBZ & JFC 11 Jan 97 OPSMONITOR ---------- This routine gets executed periodically to check the values of the various mnemonics displayed on screen 12. The routine uses mdi_hk to sample the values once per 2 minutes and sends out a mail message once per hour if any values shows out of limit. Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 14:11:58 -0400 (EDT) From: Joseph Covington To: wolfson@mdisas, craigf@mdisas, mdiers@mdisas Subject: What is being monitored by OPSMONITOR? What is being monitored by OPSMONITOR and what are the limits?? This is currently what is being monitored by OPSMONITOR. I plan to make it more sophisticated and able to do more complex problem determination (i.e. keeps track of the error count and sends out problem report if it is incrementing rapidly, etc ...). If you have any ideas for other states of the instrument to monitor or data confirmation schemes let me know. I'll update this list as more things are monitored. MDI FLIGHT STATUS DISPLAY EXPLANATION ------------------------------------- (Found by typing: screen 12) Typical Snapshot of MDI Flight Status Screen ############################################################################### GMT: Wed Jul 24 13:10:10 1996 TM: MEDIUM MDI Flight Status(12) TM_STATE: RUNNING HR MODE:COMPRESSED DPC:404e4400 SVM: 000374 HK1: 000374 HK2: 000375 SCI5K: 008966 SCI160K: 075537 POWER (A) ON 1.31 a TIMING IP m+5pc1n 5.36 v Ref Time 4888B768h IP Status 48h m+5cm 5.44 v LOBT 4888B782h Error Stat 3000h m+5pc2n 5.33 v DEP Int Count 5B9Bh m+5ae 5.28 v 5K Mode 03h IP-DEP Bank 20h Motor Cur 0.00 a 5k Status 02h OVEN ON SEQUENCE Error Count 18 qtopts3n 35.6 c Seq ID C688E0C5h Error Code F000h mtopts5 35.5 c Seq Status 05h Opcode 01E6h OP/EP TEMPS Seq Error 0003h DMA Mode AE1Ah qtopts2n (OP) 19.0 c Int Count 70 IP Que Add 0DC4h mtopts6 (CCD) -77.1 c FrmInSeq 10237 mtopts1 (FW) 40.0 c REGISTERS FLAGS qtepts1n(PC1) 15.1 c OBS Frm (R0) 5 Cam Flags(R16) 06h mtepts3 (PC2) 17.4 c Int Count(R2) 70 New Prime 00h ISS CLOSE VC ID (R3) 2 Alt Enable 02h PZT1 IN RANG 1.84 v Cam Mode (R4) 1 New Flag 00h PZT2 IN RANG 1.68 v Mag D/L (R5) 0 II Flag 00h PZT3 IN RANG 2.03 v Cam Addr(R22) 01AEh Cam Flag 04h Xavg:2.25 Yavg:2.27 v Chn Addr(R25) 01AEh Chain Flag 00h ############################################################################### Parameter Explanations ############################################################################### Banner Section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 GMT: Wed Jul 24 13:10:10 1996 TM: MEDIUM 2 MDI Flight Status(12) TM_STATE: RUNNING HR MODE:COMPRESSED DPC:404e4400 3 SVM: 000374 HK1: 000374 HK2: 000375 SCI5K: 008966 SCI160K: 075537 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINE COLUMN 1 Column 2 Column 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 POWER (A) ON 1.31 a TIMING IP 5 m+5pc1n 5.36 v Ref Time 4888B768h IP Status 48h 6 m+5cm 5.44 v LOBT 4888B782h Error Stat 3000h 7 m+5pc2n 5.33 v DEP Int Count 5B9Bh 8 m+5ae 5.28 v 5K Mode 03h IP-DEP Bank 20h 9 Motor Cur 0.00 a 5k Status 02h 10 OVEN ON SEQUENCE Error Count 18 11 qtopts3n 35.6 c Seq ID C688E0C5h Error Code F000h 12 mtopts5 35.5 c Seq Status 05h Opcode 01E6h 13 OP/EP TEMPS Seq Error 0003h DMA Mode AE1Ah 14 qtopts2n (OP) 19.0 c Int Count 70 IP Que Add 0DC4h 15 mtopts6 (CCD) -77.1 c FrmInSeq 10237 16 mtopts1 (FW) 40.0 c REGISTERS FLAGS 17 qtepts1n(PC1) 15.1 c OBS Frm (R0) 5 Cam Flags(R16) 06h 18 mtepts3 (PC2) 17.4 c Int Count(R2) 70 New Prime 00h 19 ISS CLOSE VC ID (R3) 2 Alt Enable 02h 20 PZT1 IN RANG 1.84 v Cam Mode (R4) 1 New Flag 00h 21 PZT2 IN RANG 1.68 v Mag D/L (R5) 0 II Flag 00h 22 PZT3 IN RANG 2.03 v Cam Addr(R22) 01AEh Cam Flag 04h 23 Xavg:2.25 Yavg:2.27 v Chn Addr(R25) 01AEh Chain Flag 00h ############################################################################### Column 1 - MDI Health Parameters -------------------------------- Monitored YES?? Line Label Expected Value Description YES 4 POWER ON S/C Bus A power status for MDI YES 1.29 a S/C Bus A Current as drawn by MDI. Should be between 1.0 and 1.6 amps. YES 5 m+5pc1n 5.36 v Power Converter 1 5 volt bus voltage monitored by S/C. Supplies the IP and camera. Should be between 5.1 and 5.6 volts. YES 6 m+5cm 5.48 v Power Converter 1 5 volt bus voltage monitored by MDI. Should be +/- 0.2 from m+5pc1n YES 7 m+5pc2n 5.33 v Power Converter 2 5 volt bus voltage monitored by S/C. Supplies the DEP, Application Electronics, mechanisms and heaters. Should be between 5.1 and 5.6 volts. YES 8 m+5ae 5.28 v Power Converter 2 5 volt bus voltage monitored by MDI. Should be +/- 0.2 from m+5pc2n YES 9 Motor Current 0 a Should not remain above 0.05 for more than a minute or two. YES 10 OVEN ON Prime Oven heater controller status. YES 11 qtopts3n 35.6 c Oven temperature as monitored by S/C. Should be within 0.2 degC of 35.6 degC YES 12 mtopts5 35.5 c Oven temperature as monitored by MDI. Should be within 0.2 degC of 35.5 degC. YES 13 OP/EP TEMPS YES 14 qtopts2n 19.0 c Optics Package temperature as monitored by S/C. Should be in range of 10 to 35 degC. YES 15 mtopts6 -80.0 c CCD strap temperature as monitored by MDI. Should be in range of -105 to -60 degC. YES 16 mtopts1 40.0 c Front window temperature as monitored by MDI. Should be in range of 10 to 45 degC. YES 17 qtepts1n(PC1) 15.1 c Power Converter 1 temperature in the Electronics Package as monitored by S/C. Should be in range of -5 to 40 degC. YES 18 mtepts3 (PC2) 17.4 c Power Converter 2 temperature in the Electronics Package as monitored by MDI. Should be in range of 0 to 40 degC. YES 19 ISS CLOSE Image Stabilization System (Limb Tracker) control loop status. Should be closed except during ALT sequence magnetograms, once every 96 minutes. YES 20 PZT1 IN RANG 1.9n v ISS PZT1 actuator status as monitored by S/C and MDI monitored operating voltage. Voltage should be between 1 and 3 volts. YES 21 PZT2 IN RANG 1.9n v ISS PZT2 actuator status as monitored by S/C and MDI monitored operating voltage. Voltage should be between 1 and 3 volts. YES 22 PZT3 IN RANG 1.9n v ISS PZT3 actuator status as monitored by S/C and MDI monitored operating voltage. Voltage should be between 1 and 3 volts. YES 23 Xavg 2.25 v ISS average error in X direction measured in volts. Should be between 2.1 to 2.5 volts. YES 23 Yavg 2.27 v ISS average error in Y direction measured in volts. Should be between 2.1 to 2.5 volts. Column 2 - MDI DEP/Sequence Parameters -------------------------------------- Monitored YES?? Line Label Expected Value Description NO 4 TIMING NO 5 Ref Time 482DE6D0h Reference time of last image, should be within 40h of the LOBT. NO 6 LOBT 482DE6C7h Current on-board time. It will cycle from about -30 to +30 w.r.t Ref Time in steps of 6-8 seconds. YES 7 DEP YES 8 5K Mode 03h set by the telecommand MBDPMOD 00h - no 5k science (engineering mode) 01h - set to initialize, then returns to 00h 03h - sequence/science mode 04h - special limb tracker mode YES 9 5k Status 02h, 95h, B2h Typically 95, 02 or B2 First column should not be 4-7, c-f Second column should not be 0,7-f 00 indicates no 5k data is flowing YES 10 SEQUENCE YES 11 Seq ID C40000B3h Will begin with C4 during dynamics or ALT. Will begin with either C6 or C7 during campaigns. YES 12 Seq Status 03h, 04h or 05h Sequence Status Codes (Normally see 03, 04 or 05) 00=SEQ_INACTIVE - stopped sequence (either due to a commanded halt or serious error) 01=SEQ_INIT - almost never seen (never last very long), DEP needs to be restarted 02=SEQ_WAIT_CAMERA - rarely seen, check if camera shutter is open or if data coming from camera (before any mechanism movement) 03=SEQ_ACTIVE - rarely seen, designates that the sequence is running 04=SEQ_WAIT_TIME - waiting for time mark (start of every minute), pictures taken based on this reference time 05=SEQ_WAIT_CON - waiting for configuration or the setup devices for next picture YES 13 Seq Error 0003h Sequence Error Codes 0001=SEQ_NORMAL-Benign condition almost never seen 0002=SEQ_LATE-Benign condition almost never seen 0003=SEQ_BREAK-Normal sequence operating condition *0004=CAMERA_ERROR-not responding to Take A Picture (TAP) command or the shutter is stuck *0005=SEQ_WAIT - ? *0006=SEQ_STACK_DEPTH_EXCEEDED - error in stacking and unstacking routines *0007=SEQ_ILLEGAL_INSTR - load corruption, syntax error *0008=SEQ_STOP_CMD - actually need to send a sequence stop command to get this value *0009=ACCESS_VIOLATION - illegal address (outside of defined address area) *=serious error conditions! NO 14 Int Count 43 Number of observing intervals elapsed since last reset (i.e. how long until next set of magnetograms begin) (current interval set to 1 minute, magnetogram set # = 5), counts up to 96. NO 15 FrmInSeq 22737 Number of camera frames taken in current sequence, increments 2 or 3 times per sample update (every 3 seconds during active sequence) NO 16 REGISTERS NO 17 OBS Frm (R0) N Frame Number, increments from 1 to 20, at three second intervals. Only updated at 7 second interval so it will appear to skip some values. NO 18 Int Count(R2) 43 Cycle number (see interval count, 0 - 96) NO 19 VC ID (R3) 3 Virtual Channel number 0=no HR 1=reserved for Dnyanesh, 2=HR - to GSFC/EOF 3=HR - not to EOF NO 20 Cam Mode (R4) 0 Campaign Flag, copy of R66 when right side active NO 21 Mag D/L (R5) 0 Downlink of magnetograms: 1=in HR 160k, immediate downlink 0=in LR 5k, stored until tape dump (R5 is ignored if R3 doesn't = 0) NO 22 Cam Addr(R22) 0000h Campaign Address, can be any of the onboard campaigns depending on daily plan. 0000 is cam_vc2_obs. NO 23 Chn Addr(R25) 0000h Chain Address for next Campaign when Chain flag is ON Column 3 - MDI IP/Sequence Parameters ------------------------------------- Monitored YES?? Line Label Expected Value Description YES 4 IP YES 5 IP Status 48h 8 bit hardware register 1st nibble = DEP & IP interface state 4 = DEP & IP interface is happy 0 = DEP & IP interface is not happy 2nd nibble 8 = IP in run mode 0 = IP not on should be 48h when IP is nominal YES 6 Error Stat 3000h 3000 = PRIME 160k, Queue enabled 2800 = REDUNDANT 160k, Queue enabled 1000 = PRIME 160k, Queue disabled 0800 = REDUNDANT 160k, Queue disabled 07ff = Other IP error bits (seldom seen, but would indicate potentially serious problem). NO 7 Int Count NNNNh Count of the number of interupts to the DEP. Updates approximately one per minute during dynamics. YES 8 IP-DEP Bank 0h or 20h Toggles every minute from 0 or 20 when sequence is running. 9 NO 10 Error Count 0 Count of IP errors. If the count increments but the Error Code, Opcode, DMA Mode and IP Que Addr stay the same then it was probably an EDAC page multibit error. YES 11 Error Code 0000h IP Errors 8071 = memory not available on DMA bus A 8074 = no end of transfer on DMA bus A FOOO = TM board hang. Could be caused by a loss of high rate clock to the MDI TM board (S/C moved out of MDI high rate mode without setting VC flag (R3) to zero) or by a compression error. FEnn = Bad frame to page nn (hex) NO 12 Opcode NNNNh Opcode of IP command which initiated error condition NO 13 DMA Mode NNNNh Mode of the DMA during error. For a FOOO it records a count of the FOOO errors. NO 14 IP Que Add NNNNh address of Opcode in IP macro queue which caused error condition. NO 15 NO 16 FLAGS NO 17 Cam Flags(R16)* 06h Sequence NO 18 New Prime 00h new prime sequence (00h or 01h) NO 19 Alt Enable 02h alt enable (00h or 02h) NO 20 New Flag 00h new campaign enable (00h or 08h) NO 21 II Flag 00h II cmapaign enable (00h or 10h) NO 22 Cam Flag 04h campaign enable [R66, R4] (00h or 04h) NO 23 Chain Flag 00h chain campaign enabled (00h or 20h) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~