EBZ 11 JAN 97 COMMANDING IN NRT ----------------- Select instance from current Hydra instances page http://mdiwww/private/hydra/cgi-bin/current-instances.cgi Edit instance log by clicking on OPERATIONS on the web-based ined page (use RAW mode to edit top half if needed) ACTIVATE the status on the instance and make an entry into the Daily Log Hit ACCEPT CHANGES button after doing any editing to instance Make sure that the Instance Web page is not stolen (look for this on the top of the page and if it says steal then click on that to steal it back) Load up the Command Selection screen by selecting the command button on the main EGSE console and make sure you are in the flight directory (highlight "CD" and check directory listing) If not connected for commanding ask EOF to connect your computer for commanding or type conn cmd on Command Selection screen and hit START If doing a procedure, find your procedure (highlight PROCS) and compile if needed (comp -n and then click on PROCS again) then run it (perf ) After each step done, log time and action in Instance log and Daily Log When done commanding, hit STOP on the Command Selection screen When instance is done running (this may take days or weeks), make status on the instance COMPLETE Log in the Daily Log that you have completed the instance *** If the procedure needs to be HALTED, for example if there is a pause in the NRT link, click on HALT. If the procedure needs to be aborted, first halt it then type abort all in the MDI EGSE Command Select command window. If the procedure halts automatically, either abort all and start over or continue from the point right before it halted. The best thing to do is to contact the person who created the instance to find out which to do.