EBZ 26 Dec 96 - with input from Mons Morrison Summer 96 To Produce Plots With quick_hkplot *****SETTING UP THE PRINT ENVIRONMENT***** From the unix prompt get into IDL: unix-prompt%idl When the IDL prompt appears (to set the printer queue, were the hardcopy plots will go) type: IDL>set_printer A screen should pop up and you will see the following selections available: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Quit/Exit RESET all printer definitions Redefine the printer queue name Redefine the print command Redefine the printer node Use "........etc..... ..........etc...... ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Highlight (by moving the mouse over top of the selection) and choose (press left mouse button) "Redefine the printer queue name" After choosing it the program will prompt you for the printer queue name in the idl window where you entered the set_printer command: IDL> set_printer % Compiled module: INPUT. Enter the new printer queue name [Default: soho-laser1 ] Now enter the printer you want to print to. PRINTER QUEUE LOCATION ------------------------------------------------ soho-laser4-ps on right as you enter the EOF soho-laser1-ps far end of EOF in front SUMER office *Remember to add the -ps to the end or else you will waste ALOT of paper* (i.e. not soho-laser4 but soho-laser4-ps) You are now set up to print hard copies from quick_hkplot.... ***** HOW TO USE quick_hkplot ***** QUICK_HKPLOT - This routine plots a variety of the analog mnemonics available. There are many options and capabilities and it will be expanded as new needs/desires arise. There is a "style" code number to say what format to display. The details on the routine are shown below along with the documentation header. Usage: IDL> quick_hkplot IDL> quick_hkplot, '14-jun 6:30','14-jun 8:00',style=-10,/hc IDL> quick_hkplot, style=-1 IDL> quick_hkplot, style=0, mnem=['mipwa', 'mipwb'], yrange=[1, 1.2] *** IDL> quick_hkplot, sttim, entim, win=win, style=style, mnem=mnem IDL> quick_hkplot, style=10, /help SAMPLE CALLING SEQUENCES: quick_hkplot, style=1 quick_hkplot, '14-jun 6:30','14-jun 8:00',style=-10,/hc quick_hkplot, style=-1 quick_hkplot, style=0, mnem=['mipwa', 'mipwb'], yrange=[1, 1.2] quick_hkplot, sttim, entim, win=win, style=style, mnem=mnem quick_hkplot, style=1, /contin quick_hkplot,'30-nov-95 20:12',style=1, /text INPUT: sttim - starting time entim - ending time (If no start/end date/times are passed in, then the current time is used and the default window is 6 hours) OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUT: win - the window of time to use when no start/end times are specified style - the style option (an integer value mnem - the mnemonics to plot (manually defined) yrange - Force the plotting range for the y axis exp_pkt - Force it to use the emergency low rate experiment packets instead of the MDI packets (sc1,2,4 are still available) continous - Loop through continuously wait - How much time to wait between real time plotting. Default is 60 seconds. text - If set, then show the mnemonic values in ASCII form to the IDL terminal outfil - If /TEXT option is used, the results can also be saved to a file. DETAILS: The following style options are available 1 - ALL temperatures 2 = optics temperatures 3 = oven temperatures 4 = camera temperatures 5 = structural temperatures 6 = outside MLI and front window temps 7 = electronics -1 = 6 panel plots with styles 2,3,4,5,6 10 = ALL voltages 11 = +5 voltages 12 = +15 voltage 13 = -15 voltages 14 = +30 and +75 volts -10 = 4 panel plot with styles 11,12,13,14 20 = All Currents ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SAMPLE SESSION (using the /text option): IDL> quick_hkplot,'14-jun-95 7:00',style=10,/text Reading: m+5ae m+15ae m+75lt m+15htr m+15mtr m+5ip m+5cm m+15cm m+30cm m+5pc1n m+5pc1r m+15pc1n m+15pc1r m+5pc2n m+5pc2r m+15pc2n m+15pc2r m-15ae m-15cm m-15pc1n m-15pc1r m-15pc2n m-15pc2r Time range: 14-JUN-95 07:00:00 to 14-JUN-95 07:00:15 % Compiled module: MS_187082906013. % Compiled module: MS_187082907014. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** STYLE DEFINITIONS ***** Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 2 mtopts1 A Front Window Mounting Ring MDI 22/ff 8 mtopts2 A Primary Lens MDI 23/ff 8 mtopts3 A Secondary Lens MDI 24/ff 8 qtopts1n A OP Radiator SC2 69/ff 8 qtopts2n A OP Structure SC4 145/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 3 mtopts4 A Filter Oven MDI 25/ff 8 mtopts5 A Filter Oven MDI 26/ff 8 mtsqopt4 A Oven Temperature MDI 271/ff 8 mtsqopt5 A Oven Temperature MDI 272/ff 8 qtopts3n A Filter Oven SC2 102/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 4 mtopts6 A CCD Strap/Header (P) MDI 27/ff 8 mtopts8 A OP Lid Near CCD Radiator (P) MDI 29/ff 8 mtsqopt6 A CCD Temp MDI 273/ff 8 qtopts4n A CCD Radiator SC4 106/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 5 mtopts7 A CCD Electronics MDI 28/ff 8 mtopts9 A Rear Leg/Struct Interface MDI 30/ff 8 mtopts10 A PA Calib Wheel MDI 31/ff 8 mtopts12 A Wire Harness/OP Struct MDI 33/ff 8 mtopts13 A OP Struct Inside Top MDI 34/ff 8 mtopts14 A OP Struct Oven Ctrl MDI 35/ff 8 mtopts15 A OP Struct Inside Front MDI 36/ff 8 mtopts16 A Beam Dist. Housing MDI 37/ff 8 mtepts1 A Outside Structure MDI 38/ff 8 mtepts2 A Redundant Converter 2 MDI 39/ff 8 mtepts3 A Primary Converter 2 MDI 40/ff 8 mtepts4 A Outside Side Radiator MDI 41/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 6 mtopts11 A Outside MLI MDI 32/ff 8 mtsqopt1 A Front Window Temp MDI 270/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 7 mtopts7 A CCD Electronics MDI 28/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 11 m+5ae A App. Elec +5 volts; Cnv2 MDI 2/ff 8 m+5ip A IP AND TLM +5 volts; Cnv1 MDI 8/ff 8 m+5cm A CCD Camera +5 volts; Cnv1 MDI 9/ff 8 m+5pc1n A Converter 1 +5 Volts SC2 14/ff 8 m+5pc1r A Converter 1 +5 Volts SC2 4/ff 8 m+5pc2n A Converter 2 +5 Volts SC2 17/ff 8 m+5pc2r A Converter 2 +5 Volts SC2 7/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 12 m+15ae A App. Elec +15 volts; Cnv2 MDI 3/ff 8 m+15htr A Heater +15 volts; Cnv2 MDI 6/ff 8 m+15mtr A Motor +15 volts; Cnv2 MDI 7/ff 8 m+15cm A CCD Camera +15 volts; Cnv1 MDI 10/ff 8 m+15pc1n A Converter 1 +15 Volts SC2 15/ff 8 m+15pc1r A Converter 1 +15 Volts SC2 5/ff 8 m+15pc2n A Converter 2 +15 Volts SC2 18/ff 8 m+15pc2r A Converter 2 +15 Volts SC2 8/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 13 m-15ae A App. Elec -15 volts; Cnv2 MDI 4/ff 8 m-15cm A CCD Camera -15 volts; Cnv1 MDI 11/ff 8 m-15pc1n A Converter 1 -15 Volts SC2 16/ff 8 m-15pc1r A Converter 1 -15 Volts SC2 6/ff 8 m-15pc2n A Converter 2 -15 Volts SC2 19/ff 8 m-15pc2r A Converter 2 -15 Volts SC2 9/ff 8 Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 14 m+75lt A Limb Tracker +75 volts; Cnv2 MDI 5/ff 8 m+30cm A CCD Camera +30 volts;Cnv1 MDI 12/ff 8 IDL> quick_hkplot,style=20,/help Mnemonics to be plotted for STYLE = 20 miaemtr A Motor Current Monitor MDI 47/ff 8 10MinSum mipwa A S/C Bus A Current SC1 148/ff 8 mipwb A S/C Bus B Current SC1 106/ff 8 qim3 A S/C MDI Sub Htr3 Current SC1 123/ff 8 Date: Mon, 4 Dec 1995 22:48:10 -0800 From: Mons Morrison To: mdi@mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov Subject: quick_hkplot QUICK_HKPLOT does have the option to plot the low rate "emergency experiment packet" data. If the keyword option /EXP_PKT is used on the QUICK_HKPLOT call, then it will plot the data from the expermiment packets. The problem that I realized today is that the routine plots one or the other only. I made changes to the reading routines to merge the two (since they come from different files) and they were tested successfully off-line. I'll probably put them on-line tomorrow if there are no objections. The changed routines are GET_HK_INFO and GET1HK_INFO. Mons