EBZ 27 Dec 96 - with input from CED and JFC Summer 96 UNIX ---- BASICS - Setting an x-terminal to use mdisas as the display manager: 1. Press the "setup" button on the keyboard 2. Click on "Xserver Parameters" 3. Click on the address in "Display Manager Server" 4. Type in: 5. Double click on "Restart Session" If you have problems, you may have to do the following steps: 1. Press the "setup" button on the keyboard 2. Click on "Protocol Parameters" 3. Click on the address in "Default Gateway" 4. Type in: - To put a session in the background, type & after the session name if the process already started hit C-z and then type bg to place it in the background - To search for a pattern or word in an ls -l output, type ls -l | grep - To search for a pattern in a filename, type grep - To broadcast a message type wall, then type message, then hit return, then hit C-d - To retitle a winterm window, type xterm -T -n <title> - To get information on how to do something, type man -k <key word> - To show your display environment parameter, type echo $DISPLAY or shenv DISPLAY. To set the parameter to your display, type setenv DISPLAY <IP address of your x-terminal or computer>:0. - To see how full the disks are, type df - Killing a process (EBZ Dec 25 96 - from e-mail by CED Wed, 14 Aug 1996) When mdisas is getting slow, there are a couple of things you can do. You can use top(1) to figure out what's pigging the processor, kill(1) to kill individual processes, and killall(1M) to kill all processes running a particular program. If the processes that are pigging sas aren't ops critical, you should feel no compunction about killing 'em when they get in the way of ops. Because most of the processes that pig sas are cron-spawned idl jobs, "killall -9 run_idl" works pretty well. Likewise, we have problems with lots of mdi_hk's left hanging by some of the cron jobs, so "killall -9 mdi_hk" also works pretty well. After killing all the idl's and/or mdi_hk's, you may need to restart mdi_display and/or your screens. TROUBLE SHOOTING - HOW TO RESET THE WINDOW MANAGER ON THE SGI's (mwm) If the window manager (called mwm) every get's hung up, which typically is characterized by inability to move windows or keyboard beeping on touch or then resetting the window manager can usually fix this condition. First, you will need to find the process ID for one of the mwm processes. Type the following in a remote shell: unix-prompt% ps -flea | grep mwm 30 S mdi 20730 1 0 26 20 * 1292:534 883666f0 Dec 05 ? 1:10 mwm 30 S health 26564 1 0 26 20 * 1280:557 88366390 11:10:37 ? 0:00 mwm 30 S mdi 20375 1 0 26 20 * 1278:476 883664c0 05:55:46 ? 0:01 mwm 30 S mdi 27326 26955 0 26 20 * 35:25 884c97fc 12:42:44 pts/12 0:00 grep mwm 30 S mdi 22075 1 0 26 20 * 1278:494 88366700 Dec 06 ? 0:01 mwm 30 S zowie 25709 1 0 26 20 * 1278:556 88366620 08:53:00 ? 0:00 mwm mdisas-mdi 137% ps -flea | grep mwm 30 S mdi 20730 1 0 26 20 * 1292:534 883666f0 Dec 05 ? 1:10 mwm 30 S health 26564 1 0 26 20 * 1280:557 88366390 11:10:37 ? 0:00 mwm 30 S mdi 20375 1 0 26 20 * 1278:476 883664c0 05:55:46 ? 0:01 mwm 30 S mdi 22075 1 0 26 20 * 1278:495 88366700 Dec 06 ? 0:01 mwm 30 R mdi 27328 26955 1 60 20 * 35:25 12:42:54 pts/12 0:00 grep mwm 30 S zowie 25709 1 0 26 20 * 1278:556 88366620 08:53:00 ? 0:00 mwm mdisas-mdi 138% kill 20730 mdisas-mdi 139% kill -9 20730 mdisas-mdi 140% setenv DISPLAY :0.0 mdisas-mdi 141% mwm mwm: Invalid mnemonic specification on line 151 of configuration file "/usr/people/mdi/.mwmrc" Suspended mdisas-mdi 142% bg