EBZ 26 Dec 96 - with input from JFC Summer 96 EBZ 24 Nov 97 How To Update the EGSE's With New Patches or Backup to Old Patches ------------------------------------------------------------------- - To see what upgrades have been done: http://www.space.lockheed.com/EGSE/readme_files/index.html - You must be root to do this: execute /mdisw/bin/update_tasks Follow the script and when it asks you to verify that the operator actions have been done you can pop up the window to display the operator actions that need to be done. When they are finished, the script will prompt you to shut down the cfl manager by hitting the stop cfl manager button on the cfl monitor under egse on the toolchest. Hit exit on clf monitor after the cfl manager has been stopped. Once the upgrade has been processed, the script will prompt you to start the clf manager. Go to the clf monitor and hit start cfl manager. If there are any problems, call RogerC. - Example: mdisas-root 111# update_tasks Current patch release in use is: 970826a Current patches available for EGSE version 5.2 970605a 970625a 970708a 970722a 970730a 970731a 970826a 971119a Select patch directory to replace current tasks [null to cancel]: 971119a ################################################################## WARNING There may be operator actions that need to be performed *PRIOR* to starting up this version of the EGSE software after it is installed. Make certain that these actions are well understood or have already been done prior to continuing. The operating characteristics of the EGSE *MAY* have changed. Documentation on the changes made to the EGSE software for this patch are with the operator actions in the README file. ################################################################## Spawn window with 'more' of README file (Y or N)? n Continue with update of tasks (Y or N)? y Checking file checksums and block counts: app_server cfl_mgr cfl_mon cfl_util cli cmd_hist ecs_con ecs_screen ecs_sim egse egse_cmd egsemon eui file_disp hr_dbg init_lvt killgse limit_hist list load_mgr make_load make_slot mdi_acq mdi_ftp_mgr mdi_hk mdi_sci pkt_time proc_master proc_win read_sci5k rtdb_util scr_fonts scr_text screen sim_time snap_hist state_mgr tm_mgr win_disp Checksums and block counts match Continue with update of tasks (Y or N)? y starting the CFL Monitor... stop the CFL manager and then exit the CFL Monitor Moving current 970826a tasks to /mdisw/junk/old_tasks directory Copying 971119a tasks into /mdisw/egse_v5.2/tasks Updating file protections There may have been a problem with the protection setting script Review the results in /tmp/set_prots.messages Removing all EGSE Software IPC from the system... starting the CFL Monitor... start the CFL manager and then exit the CFL Monitor Appending patch date/time to /mdisw/egse_v5.2/tasks_log_v5.2 Task directory update completed successfully