GO_DOC1LINERS.PRO Ver 3.0 Program Run: 21-Jan-2002 07:30:37.00 ---------------------------------------------------------- /mdisw/idl/cal ---------------------------------------------------------- add P addfitsval P adjhdr P Adjust size of a FITS header, if required. bilin F bsinterp F calc_move F calculates necessary Alignment Mechanism steps for desired image motion calc_mtm_therm P Calculate the thermal load from MTM moves. Evaluates framelists for compatability with PRIME30 load calc_pos F calculates change of pointing when given Alignment Mechanism steps ccd_hdr_info F To extract information from the telemetry CCD header array ccdcalc P center F centercalc F chgfitsval P choosem P circle_mask F To return the subscripts within a 2-D array within a given radius of a position. Optionally return a map, or mask the input image cnt P cont4 P cosfit P cutoff P dcfind P dcplots P deci_str F delfitsval P disk F disp_focus P To display the focus information disp_gen P To use the "TV2" and "XYOUTS2" options to display images and data. Useful for making pretty prints. disp_lyot P disp_mdi_hr_fov P Plot the MDI high resolution field of view on an image disp_mmap P doppler_setup M dpc_img_summary P A front driver to read MDI data and then call IMG_SUMMARY exln F Extract an arbitrary linear cross-section from a 2-d image (=a "line"), defined from the display by clicking the mouse. Uses function 'expix.pro' to define endpoints. exln2 F Extract an arbitrary linear cross-section from a 2-d image (=a "line"), defined from the display by clicking the mouse. Uses function 'expix.pro' to define endpoints. expix F exten F Returns a four character string corresponding to the number provided (allows a convenient way of addressing a datafile in a loop) fe55fit P fe55setup M fefit P fefunct P feline F feplot P fig_summary P To display image, contour, plots or values information on a figure. find_key F Find a keyword in a fits header. findcenter P finddrift P findit F findloi F findshift P fitairy P Fits an Airy diffraction disk to a surface (image) fitcenter F fitcenter1 F fitgauss P Fits a Gaussian to a surface (image) fitring P flicker P focus_area P fzbasic F Creates minimal F0 header fzero_setup M fzheader F fzrd P Read one header and image from an open LP format file. fztofits P Convert a LP format file into a FITS format file. Each image in the LP format file is written to a different FITS file. fzw P Write a LP format image/header to disk. get_dpc_info P To read a database file and return information on the data product get_last_tfr F To return the last TFR file (or "n_ago" files) based on creation date/time getexp P getfdarea P getfitsval F Extract a string parameter from a FITS header. gethrarea P getimage P getrange P grad P hairs P hipass P his2hk M his_dirs F To return a list of the directories where .HIS files exist. ice P icedisp P icefilter P icehunt P iceread P initall M issfit P issval F laser_info P limset P loadarr P loadlab P loadlt P loi F look P lookup F lopass P ltc P ltfitlin P lxfr P mag_setup M makedoppler P Calculates Dopplergrams from a sequence of filtergrams and writes to disk (if outf makefztofits P makemag P Calculates magnetograms from a sequence of filtergrams and writes to disk (if outf map_filnam F markpos F mdi_struct F mdidust P Program to make dust images at various positions through mdifocus2 P To digest and display the MDI focus data mdiiss P To analyze the MDI ISS performance mdilaser P To process the LFFT "mdilaser" results for Michelson wavelengths mdimrot P mdipdist P To match the pattern of the grid locations to a reference grid image. mdipict P To display a summary page for each "mdipict" image mdiprot P mmap1pos P mmap_summary P mmap_unwrap F To look at an phase image and see if there is wrap around within the image and to correct it if there is mosaicx P mybi F mytv P Overlay an image and a contour plot. of a second image mytvcont P Overlay an image and a contour plot. of a second image nehbi F newname F Generates "stanford" filename (with basic info about MDI config.) perf_vwbin F Given a VWBIN list (or file name) and an input image, make the VWBIN output pixcorr F correct bad pixels by nearest neighbor interpolation plot_fft P To plot facilitate generic plotting of an fft plothist P plotiss P To plot the MDI ISS calibration test results plotiss2 P plotring P plotsharp P plotsharp2 P pointing P calculates center coordinates and the radius of a circular image (filled disk) - typically a FD solar image from MDI polyfunct P print6 P printarea P printimg P printloi P printsens P putfitsval P pzt2xy F calculates necessary PZT offsets for desired image motion rad2location F To return a location mnemonic for a given radius location rbifit P rbihunt P rbisetup M rd_ccdh_fil F To read the 1109 bytes of CCDH transfer frame file rd_dpc_table P To read a database file rd_mdi P simple mdi front end to mreadfits rd_mmap_sum F rdmagseq P rdtemp P rdvelseq P rdveltable P read_mdi P To read MDI FITS files, telemetry files, or Microvax "F0" files read_mdi16 P Read the 16 parts of an image and build it into a 1024x1024 image removegrad1 P ring F rot_rig F sat_obs_loc P To return the location of a saturated point source. save_mmap P scan P sens F sensors F series_info F sharpfocus2 P To showarea P showdata P showloi P showsens P sinfit P Fits sinusoid to each pixel of image(x,y,*) startfits P Create a blank FITS header and insert initial FITS information. (SIMPLE=T) strip P sunsharp F swabi F tv4 P tvc P Overlay an image and a contour plot. of a second image tvc4 P tvcx P tvhairs P tvplt P tvrect P vel4 F velcalc F view_image M Rough method to display an image xy2pzt F calculates necessary PZT offsets for desired image motion ---------------------------------------------------------- /mdisw/idl/ops ---------------------------------------------------------- ascii2fits_list M cam_run_sum P To look through the Sequence ID and log all times when a campaign was running cfl_summary P Make MDI control file summaries check_dumps P To check the dumps of IP tables and list pages check_dumps1 P To check the dumps of IP tables and list pages check_ff_load P To check the status of the flat field load check_sci5k_trunP To review the SCI5K data and see if any data products were truncated Mail a message if there were some truncations disp_dt_genx P To display the detune GENX data image results disp_limbfig P To display the current limb figure information disp_sci160k P To make a gif file of the last few images in the sci160k file dpc_decode P To decode the MDI Data Product Code (DPC) dpcstr F Decode an MDI Data Product Code into English according to the Rock Bush rules (an alternative to dpc_decode) dump_ipreg P edac_summary P To plot the EDAC error rates fot_roll P Help the FOT with roll determination during maneuvers. Generate a web page with roll information updated frequently gen_exec_synop P get_cam_obs_infoP get_mdi_scale F get_obs4cam F go_arch_sum M Grep through the control file archive to make summaries go_arch_sum2 M Grep through the control file archive to make summaries of last 24-48 hours go_cam_list M To reformat the campaign listings and show only the campaigns which run for over 20 and 40 minutes. Also establish the template for the executive synopsis go_check_dumps M go_daily_dpc M go_fits_sci160k M To look through last few SCI160K files and make sample planning FITS files go_fits_sci5k M go_gen_exec_synoM go_gif_last9 P To make a gif file of the last few images in the sci160k file go_gif_mag M go_list_nrt_timeM go_mk_opsdb_listM To dump the current status of the database into a text file. The job is intended to run as a cron job every hour go_mk_reload M go_mon_health M go_mon_health2 M go_mon_health3 M go_mon_health_1dM Make opsdb lists and gif summaries every 24 hours. go_mon_health_20M Make text and gif summaries of the last 24 hours. go_mon_health_6hM Make sci5k data products and gif summaries every 6 hours. go_mon_health_svM go_mon_health_svM go_mon_health_svM go_mon_sci5k M To see if the mon_sci5k process is running and to start it up if needed go_put_list_onliM To process the list dump data and put it on-line go_redo_disploi M go_roll_plot_2daM go_roll_plot_30dM go_roll_plot_7daM go_seq_run_sum M Main program driver for SEQ_RUN_SUM to be run in batch go_seq_run_sum2 M Main program driver for SEQ_RUN_SUM to be run in batch to make summary of last 24 hours hk_time_sort P Resort the data which was read from the HK database files since some files are corrupted and the data is not in time order. idl_speed P ip_que_dmpver P To verify an IP queue dump iperr_sea P To search through the HK data and find when the IP error count incremented and to log it. ipreg_vals P jitter M jitter_do M jitter_ftp M jitter_subs P A suite of routines for MDI jitter mode analysis kpmag2mdi M To FTP copy Kitt Peak magnetogram FITS images, convert them to the size/shape of MDI, and to save them as FITS files. kpmag2mdix M To FTP copy Kitt Peak magnetogram FITS images, convert them to the size/shape of MDI, and to save them as FITS files. list_nrt_times P log_health P Create the HTML page for health monitoring and logging lt_offset P To generate the new x offset and y offset for fine tuning adjustments according to the most recent monitor_center outputs. mdi_convert_coorM To take coordinates in either Hi Res, Full Disk, or Solar Arcseconds and convert to the other two systems Values from calculations taken from the note from Ted Tarbel 1 Feb 1997 mdi_convert_coorM To take coordinates in either Hi Res, Full Disk, or Solar Arcseconds and convert to the other two systems Values from calculations taken from the note from Ted Tarbel 1 Feb 1997 mdi_imagetool P Front end to call IMAGETOOL (SSW SOHO tool) * Sets the MDI high resolution fixed field of view * Converts coordinates to corner pixels mdi_trans_uobs P To translate the user's obs frame list to a pre-load format file. mk_ascii_list P To take a data product dump from the IP and to decipher the list and make an ascii file describing the contents mk_dpc_image F For certain data products it is necessary to rebuild the image into a simple 2-D form. This routine takes the 1-D vector of data values and makes an image. Typically the output image can be of size mk_ff_load P To make the source files for the flat field upload mk_ff_patch P To build the control file to patch the flat field data mk_gif_mag_indexP To write a gif_mag index in html. mk_limb_pixmap P To unwrap the limb figure annulus into a rectangle mk_list_image F To convert the list definition into an image showing which pixels were binned into which output pixels mk_list_load P TO take a 1-D vector list and a start address and to mk_mdi_fits P To make an MDI FITS file mk_mdi_gif P mk_mdi_iap P To make a quick template/starting point for an MDI IAP (Instrument Activity Plan) mk_mdi_load P TO take a 1-D vector and a start address and make the .src load file (telecommands) For list loads, the contents are altered to reflect the mk_opsdb_list P To dump the current status of the database into a text file. The job is intended to run as a cron job every hour mk_set_limb M mon_health P To generate the health monitoring data mon_health_svm P To generate the health monitoring data new_disp_sci5k P new_edac_summaryP To plot the EDAC error rates new_mon_health P To generate the health monitoring data no_data_notice P Put a character notice up in place of a plot (Useful for cases where automated plot routines may fail for lack of data or other reasons). opsdb P Manage the IP queue and DEP memory resources plot_expos_hist P To plot the histogram of exposure durations for a given time span plot_loi_mmad P To plot the LOI-V and LOI-C data plot_loi_summaryP To plot the LOI-V and LOI-C data plot_mtm_shift P plot_pzt_corr P To plot the pointing correction applied by the ISS PZT mirrors plot_shutter_perP To plot the pointing correction applied by the ISS PZT mirrors plot_vel_trend P pr_dpc_table P pr_mdihk_trans P To log the times that a given mnemonic changes state pr_seq_frame_infP To display the per-frame information put_list_online P raw_list2pixmap P To convert the raw list definition into pixel map format rd_exec_synop_inP To read the executive synopsis index file into a structure rd_loi_mmad P Read the LOI -C and -V summary files, optionally plot rd_loi_summary P Read the LOI -C and -V summary files, optionally plot rd_so_at_ftr F Read the SOHO "FTR" attitude data file. It has pitch, yaw and roll with 8 samples per second redo_disploi P Re-create the LOI average summary files from the SCI5K data file(s) reg_check P To take an .ips file as input and to find all of the register usage and to look for conflicts. Conflicts are flagged with a >> roll_plot P Generate a plot of the SOHO roll angle versus time save_fits_sci5k P sci5k_dataseg P seq_run_sum P To look through the Sequence ID and log all times when the sequence was running set_list_addr P Given a bin list and a start address, modify all address references within the list to allow the table to reside at that address set_offset P To display the tcblock command to set the offset corner for extract smaller_pixmap P up_ipreg_list M wrt_sci160k_img P To FITs-fy or GIFify MDI data given some raw telemetry files and a list of DPCs to search for. xmdi_downlink P To calculate downlink times for values defined in $MDI_CAL_INFO/sample_compressed.tab xset_chains P To allow a user to build a "set_chain.src" file for MDI observing ---------------------------------------------------------- /mdisw/idl/egse ---------------------------------------------------------- 4x4_dark P 4x4_display P 4x4_special P RealTimePlots M align P align1 P align2 P align2w P anafocus P anaiss P anal_ptrack M autoplot M ave_hk_info P To get the hk info between two specified times and at certain time increments. It will then output the average, min, max, and standard deviation for each block of time. The data can be viewed using cal_log M To create a full listing of the calibration data available calc_loi_roll F Given an LOI image (180 bytes, linear array), calculate the SOHO roll angle, in degrees counterclockwise from (up=north) ccd_temps P checkcrop P checkip_subs P chk_crop P chk_hk M chkalg2 P chkalign P chkalign2 P chkalign3 P chkawimg P chkffscl P chkirbin P chkpurtab M chkrblr P chkrwimg P chktwavg P chkvldc P chkvwimg P This procedure performs vector weighted binning on a raw image and compares it with the binned image processed by the IP. It also creates a 1024x1024 byte array (out) from the medium-l list (cl). Elements of the array close_tfr P convert_hk F To extract a given value of a mnemonic from a HK packet, and convert it to the proper units (degrees/volts/...) craig F decode_sci5k P disp_sci5k P disploi_mon5k P Displays an LOI image -- part of the mon_5k suite. dopp_roll F Calculate the SOHO roll angle from a Dopplergam. The Dopplergram is assumed to be in the form of a square array, reasonably cropped. We take the inner 4/5 of a circle centered at the center of the dpc_summary P To list the unique post-launch high word DPC values (observables) and the low word DPC values (formatting) fits_sci5k P A front end to the temporary FITS file making from the SCI5K data files. get1hk_info F To return information from the HK database given a time and a mnemonic. Should have one call per packet type (MDIHK, SC1, ...). get5 P get_hk F get_hk_info F To return information from the HK database given a time and a mnemonic. get_hk_mnem F Allow selection of mnemonics from the full list of mnemonics or from a group list file. get_hk_tagname P Takes in a structure as given by get_hk_info and a mnemonic and returns its description and data points. If set it will filter the data points from a choice of two methods. get_hr P get_image M get_tf_rec F To return the a record from a ".tfr" file. Arguments: get_tty_type F Return the terminal type by comparing the environment variable DISPLAY to a lookup list in $GSE_BASE_DIR/.MDI_HOSTS getdp P go_mdi_sum M It is the running program to create the daily reports for mdi_summary go_mk_hk_map M hex M hk_summary_type F hkplot P hkplot_dpm P hkplot_info F To extract information out of the HK structure hr_dbf P hr_display P hr_top M hx P idlsave M ip_memtst P ipcom P TO evaluate the IP commision LFFT test linelabel P list_tfi P lt_eval P lt_eval2 P lt_eval3 P makecrop P mdi_comp_eff P To simulate the compression efficiency of the MDI telemetry mdi_display P To display the images as they are received by the EGSE. The executable "mdi_sci" is used to copy the telemetry data through shared memory mdi_plots P mdi_plots0 P mdi_summary P To create a file that appends the results from mdi_summary_sub1, seq_run_sum seq_frame_stats, and cam_run_sum. An executive summary is printed a the top of the file to give a brief description. mdi_summary_sub1P to summarize when a certain mnemonic was closed or open over a certain interval mdifocus P mk_hk_map P mk_tfi P To create an index file for specified data set PARAMETERS: fname - Data set name mmap_imgnum P To figure out which images are which in a Michelson tuning mon_sci5k P monitor_center P To use the function POSITION to find and log the center location of the sun monitor_center_oP To use the function POSITION to find and log the center location of the sun new_hkplot P nimg_in_tfr F p1 M pl_monitor_centeP To plot the center of the sun versus time plot P plot_hk_info P To plot the data produced by ave_hk_info. plotfocus P plotgrid P plotiss_save P pr_hk_info P To display information on the MDI Housekeeping mnemonics pr_sci5k_heads M proc_vldc P quick_hkplot P To read a list of mnemonics and plot them rc P rd_fitslog F rd_hist_dbase P To read the history database definition file READ_HIST.DBS rd_hk F To directly read from the .mdihk files rd_lev0log F rd_obs4 P To read the IP page dump data into arrays rd_pkt_head P To read the ASCII header at the front of the MDI HK, S/C HK, and SCI5K files. rd_sci5k F To read records of SCI5K data rd_snlog F rd_strip_heads P rdhr P rdhrold P rdmdiimg P rdtfr P rdtfr0 P To return the a record from a ".tfr" file. Arguments: rdtfr2 P To return the a record from a ".tfr" file. Arguments: redo_mon_sci5k P To give a summary of the SCI5K contents roger P rt_display P rt_display2 P rt_display_3 P rt_display_old P rtd P rtplot P sci5k_summary P scird P seq_frame_info P To read the housekeeping data and to return information on the per-exposure frames ("unwrap" the circular queue) seq_frame_stats P set_sci160k_dir F To allow the user to select a SCI160K directory sharpfocus P sharpness F strip_heads M t P t1 M t2 M t3 M t4 M t5 M t5sav M tfr_decom F To decompress a single telemetry frame tfr_summary P tfr_summary2 P To display information on a per-image basis for a tfr file. trap_check P To look for traps, dark spikes and dust particles vm F xcheckip P To check the IP processing of data products xcheckip_event P xdisp_sci5k P To allow a user to select a file and image to be displayed xdisp_tfr P To allow a user to select a file and image to be displayed xhkplot P To plot the MDI and S/C HK data using a widget interface to specify which mnemonics and how to plot it xhkplot_event P xread_hist P To accept user specification for the start/end time and xwrite_hist P To accept user inputs to be logged to the EGSE history file zpb0r F ---------------------------------------------------------- /mdisw/idl/site ---------------------------------------------------------- ampex_inventory M cron_daily_mdi M To run a set of IDL commands daily go_mk_ops_http1 M go_mk_ops_http2 M go_net_list_tfi M html_fmt_cam_runP html_fmt_opsdb P mdi_idl_startup P Execute the MDI specific IDL startup. It does the following: * Calls WMENU_SEL_SET to define the x-terminal window size mk_ops_http P nlm F Shorthand for "N_ELEMENTS" (sounds like "EN-ELEM") - pprint P Closes currently open hardcopy plot device (if necessary) and sends the plot file to the appropriate device. This is the Unix Version of the routine. pprint_new P Closes currently open hardcopy plot device (if necessary) and sends the plot file to the appropriate device. This is the Unix Version of the routine. pprint_old P Closes currently open hardcopy plot device (if necessary) and sends the plot file to the appropriate device. This is the Unix Version of the routine. set_printer P To allow the user to set the printer queue where the output will come out set_printer_new P To allow the user to set the printer queue where the output will come out set_printer_old P To allow the user to set the printer queue where the output will come out ssw_bypass P While integrating into the /ssw system, it was necessary to control the order of the /tsw tree and /mdisw tree. zstr2utc F ---------------------------------------------------------- /mdisw/idl/maint ---------------------------------------------------------- check_fil_dup M go_doc1liners M mk_fil_dir_list M update_ys M