EBZ 15 Jan 1998 EBZ July 1999 MDISAS CRONTAB -------------- mdi cronjobs ------------ Stuff running multiple times an hour - all use qproc except dinnerbell, screen 12 & 30 snaps, and mon_sci5k 0,20,40 * * * * /mdisw/bin/dinnerbell # checks for incoming tm_mgr files 1,21,41 * * * * /mdisw/bin/screen12_snap > /usr/people/mdi/Iscreen12_snap 2>&1 # write EGSE screen 12 snapshot to file 2,22,42 * * * * /mdisw/bin/screen30_snap > /usr/people/mdi/Iscreen30_snap 2>&1 # write EGSE screen 30 snapshot to file 3,23,43 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_sci5k ~/Imon_sci5k # makes sure that a mon_sci5k is running; starts one if not 4,24,44 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_arch_sum2 ~/Iarch_sum2 # generates summary of the last 24-48 hours of S/C commanding 5,25,45 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_gif_last9 ~/Igif_last9 # makes the "last-4" & "last-9" images in the health mon pages 6,26,46 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_seq_run_sum2 ~/Iseq_run_sum2 # generates the campaign summaries for the last 24 & 48 hours 7,27,47 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_health ~/Imon_health # assembles health monitoring pages and generates plots 8,28,48 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_health_svm1 ~/Imon_health_svm1 # web page for only low rate data 9,29,49 * * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_roll_plot_2day ~/Iroll_plot_2day # generates roll plot for web Stuff running multiple times a day - all use qproc 15 4,10,16,22 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mk_opsdb_list ~/Imk_opsdb_list # opsdb and sci160k listings 35 5,9,11,17,23 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_fits_sci160k ~/Ifits_sci160k # make planning fits files from latest .tfr file 45 5,9,11,17,23 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_gif_mag ~/Igif_mag # mag gif file from fits images 35 8,20 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_health2 ~/Imon_health2 # planning fits images on health pages 39 1,7,13,19 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_fits_sci5k ~/Ifits_sci5k # makes sci5k fits files and calls go_health_mon 36 7,19 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_mon_health_svm2 ~/Imon_health_svm2 # web page for only low rate data 41 7,19 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_roll_plot_7day ~/Imon_roll_plot_7day # generates roll plot for web Stuff running once a day - all use qproc except update-dsn-schedule, cron_contacts, mail soho-dsn, opend 0 2 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_update_ssw ~/Igo_update_ssw # updates sswidl tree 35 3 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi check_sci5k_trunc ~/Icheck_sci5k_trunc # checks for sci5k truncation 36 6 * * * /mdisw/bin/update-dsn-schedule # gets DSN schedule from JPL and updates the /mdisw/plan/ecs pages 38 6 * * * /md80/people/morrison/cron_contacts # updates Mons's DSN schedule and mails it out 40 6 * * * Mail -s "DSN/NRT Contacts" soho-dsn < /mdisw/plan/contacts/upcoming_soho_schedule.txt 45 6 * * * /mdisw/bin/idlbatch_mdi go_roll_plot_30day ~/Iroll_plot_30day # plots roll for 30 days 46 6 * * * /md86/public_html/private/hydra/cgi-bin/all-instances # all instance list generation for planning web pages 47 6 * * * /md86/public_html/private/hydra/cgi-bin/last-ndays 30 # 30 day instance list generation for planning web pages 00 20 * * * echo "/mdisw/bin/opend" | csh # start new decom file each midnight UT Periodic file cleanup 26 02 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -delay=30 -pattern='.hst|.opslog' -archive='archive' /md80/log/history # opslog archiving 28 02 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive # sci5k delete done for data older than 30 days 28 03 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive # sci160k delete done for data older than 30 days 28 04 * * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive # done_ecs delete done for data older than 30 days Monthly 09 01 01 * * /mdisw/bin/monthly-archive -pattern='[EIK]AP$' -archive='archive' /mdisw/dbase/ops/iap_kap # clean planning files mdiswms cronjobs ---------------- # mirroring of /mdisw tree (not cfl) 30 1 * * * cd /md80/people/mdiswms/mirror_log; /md80/people/mdiswms/mirror_log/mdisw_distrib.mirror covington cronjobs ------------------ 10 09 * * * /md84/gif/mag/rgbtemp/giftorgbfd # daily movie assembly for FD movie 25 09 * * * /md84/gif/mag/rgbtemp/giftorgbregion # daily movie assembly for HR movie 40 09 * * * /md84/gif/mag/rgbtemp/giftorgbfdI # daily movie assembly for I-gram movie zamkoff cronjobs ---------------- 0 0,6,12,18 * * * /md80/people/zamkoff/perl/dfkmonitor # df -k monitor routine root cronjobs - does lots of system stuff also ------------- # daily backups 45 23 * * * /bin/csh /var/adm/sasbackup_v071>> /backsave 2>> /backsave; Mail -s "Backup Results:mdisas" covingto@mdisas saba@mdisas zowie@mdisas zamkoff@mdisas