Listed below are the new limits for MDI that we are requesting the FOT monitor near the start of each pass. Craig Feinstein MDI 18 Jan 1996 S/C A Current mipwa between 1.1 and 1.5 Amps Conv1 +5v m+5pc1n within present Yellow Limits of 5.1 and 5.6 Conv2 +5v m+5pc2n within present Red Limits of 5.1 and 5.6 CCD Header Temp mtopts6 should remain below - 65 C Motor Current miaemtr Should not remain above 0.05 for more than a minute or two. This mnemonic is most often 0 but will short periods between 0 and about .3 Amps. If it remains there for more than a couple of minutes, it means that a mechanism has become stuck and the MDI person on call needs to be notified.