Date: 24 May 1996 Request By: Julie Saba Title: Standard operating procedures during 2-month continuous contact period Reason: Routine and contingency instructions for 2 month contact, when MDI is running in continuous dynamics mode with high-rate data, to simplify operations and improve science quality. Description: MDI has already submitted an OCD for one hour of VC2 data every 12 hours (+/- 1 hour) during this period. This OCD augments that one. (1) Twice daily, at 12-hour intervals, it is required to downlink the LOI circular buffers in MDI. It is preferable but not required to perform this downlink during the daily VC2 periods, either at the beginning or 7 minutes from the end. The dump is done via the TSTOL procedure M_FL_LOIDUMP, which takes approximately 5 minutes. (2) In the event of a transition to idle during this period, it is required to get the MDI instrument back into dynamics mode with high-rate data as soon as pssible, by means of the TSTOL procedure K_IDTOMH. (Note this is a change from our usual policy, when we are not in continuous dynamics mode)