PROCEDURE FOR SENDING COMMANDS TO SPACECRAFT DURING NRT ------------------------------------------------------- 1 Prepare instance the script lists the commands to be sent 2 Bring up EGSE Command Console start EGSE to get EGSE Console then hit command button for Command Console and make sure you are in the flight directory 3 Hit start button this asks permission to command, and once granted continue on 4 Find command you want in procs and if it is in perform status it is ready if it is in compile status then compile the new commands by typing comp -n, then hit the procs button and the status should have changed to perform status 5 Hit return to send the command 6 Enter the initials of the operator and the command into the log in emacs type in the information then hit C-x C-a to send it to the daily log 7 Take the time from the daily log and put it into the instance file start time REDO FOR THE NEXT COMMAND IN THE SCRIPT WHEN ALL DONE COMMANDING, HIT STOP BUTTON