Craig Feinstein 20 Dec 1996 Updated EBZ 26 Dec 96 Discussion of MDI Transition Procedures During Non-Continues Contact (Campaign Period). - Open Questions: 1) Is there any reason to go straight to VC3 during non-continuous period? If so the TSTOL does not turn on either the campaign or the chain flag so the campaign will not start. If there is any reason to do this, what is the best way to kick of a campaign. 2) What happens after VC2 Obs if there is nothing set in the chain address? Or is there always something by default? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of TSTOLS: (VC0 is IDLE, cam addr of 0 is cam_vc2_obs) VC0 -> VC2 m_fl_idtomm - turns on cam and chain flags, sets VC flag to 2 VC2 -> VC0 m_fl_mmtoid - turns off cam and chain flags, sets cam addr to 0 VC0 -> VC3 m_fl_idtomh - sets VC flag to 3 VC3 -> VC0 m_fl_mhtoid - turns off cam and chain flags, sets cam addr to 0 VC3 -> VC2 m_fl_mhtomm - sets VC flat to 2 VC2 -> VC3 m_fl_mmtomh - sets VC flag to 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - When leaving leaving High Rate Mode (VC2 MDI-M or VC3 = MDI-H) the TSTOLS performed by the FOT turns off both the campaign flag and the chain flag and sets the campaign address to 0000 (VC2 Observations) Campaign flag = mbsqreq,0042,0000; Chain flag = mbsqeg,0048,0000; Campaign address = mbsqreg,0043,0000 - The procedures for transition from VC2 and VC3 to idle are: m_fl_mmtoid and m_ff_mhtoid respectively - Setting the campaign address to 0000 means that the next time a campaign is performed it will be 0000 or the VC2 Obs. (VC2 Obs is a set of observations that are used to check on the health of the instrument) - The campaign address refers to the indix number. A list of active campaigns (either by ID or address is found on the "General Access to Campaigns and Framelists") - No campaigns are performed when we are not in high rate mode. - The TSTOL m_fl_idtomm transitions MDI from idle (VC0 = no high rate) to VC2 and turns on both the campaign flag and the chain flag. As stated above, the campaign address was set to VC2 obs. Therefore, when the flag is turned on VC2 obs will start to run. When VC2 Obs is complete the dep will copy the chain address to the campaign address and begin to run that. - The chain address is left unchanged when it is copied to the campaign address. Therefore this cycle will continue unchanged until the chain address is changed or the campaign address is changed via nrt while in high rate.