Date: Mon, 6 Sep 1999 17:40:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Ted Tarbell To: Rock Bush Cc: John Beck , Subject: Re: Recent detunes (fwd) I analyzed the 6-Aug and 1-Sep detunes, and they both look normal and give consistent results. They show that Michelson #2 (the broader one) continues to be stable while Michelson #1 continues to drift in wavelength. Now the tuning positions in the continuum are set to (M1, M2) = (24, 131). The detunes show that to put them together in wavelength (cotuning) requires a setting of (~22.5, 131). This is not defined precisely because the gradients are large and because there are small differences between CAL and OBS modes and between disk average and disk center values. Even so we should use this occasion not only to take out the large orbital velocity but also to cotune the Michelsons better. If we set the tuning to (22, 131), then the disk-averaged velocity on September 1 would become about V = -70 m/s. The partial derivatives of this value are about dV/dM1 = -125 m/s and dV/dM2 = -160 m/s. This slightly overcompensates the drift of M1, so we would have good cotuning for the next 6 months. On September 1 when the detunes were taken, the disk averaged velocity was about = -320 m/s and the orbital velocity (judging from previous years) was about -400 m/s. The observed velocity range around is about +3500, -2500 m/s; average disk center and average CAL mode velocities are about -250 and - 290 m/s, respectively. So it is reasonable to keep around 0; it should never get more than a few hundred m/s positive, since the velocity measurement goes bad rapidly for |V| > 3500 m/s. Orbital velocity will drop to about -550 m/s in late October, then go back to 0 in late December. So the (22, 131) tuning would give us > 300 m/s and rising rapidly in January, time for another tuning before dynamics. On the other hand, we could set the tuning to (23, 131) now, which would give ~ -300 m/s on September 1, -450 in late October, and > +300 in February, postponing the need for another tuning by a month. This doesn't seem better, and it also has slightly poorer cotuning. Any other tuning has even worse cotuning and/or greater extremes in . I think the optimum times of year to retune would be about a month after perihelion and after aphelion; so maybe we'll do it right in January. So I recommend the new tuning of MTM1 FC = 22 MTM2 FC = 131 (formerly 41) Ted