Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 20:48:16 -0800 From: Subject: Michelson Tuning SOI-MDI technical mail message # 155 on Tue Mar 30 20:40:21 PST 1999 Mail from: Subject: Michelson Tuning Original Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 20:38:36 -0800 --------------- I analyzed the detuned of 11-MAR-99, which were good data and a long run to provide an excellent average detune set. For comparison, I used some full disk velocities from 15-MAR-99 (since the 11-MAR ones had been cleaned off our disk by now). As usual, the detunes provide a very good prediction of the measured velocities. But the measured FD images include the extreme limb velocities, especially in the W & NW, which are cropped from the detunes. The observed velocities are summarized in the table below. The present continuum tuning is (M1, M2) = (24, 41). Using disk-averaged detune wavelengths, cotuning on 11-MAR was (23.3, 41) in OBS mode and (23.7, 41) in CAL mode. So the cotuning is really about right now, which surprised me at first. The reason is that a big relative tuning change was made in Oct-98, which probably overcompensated the M1 drift since Jan-98: # Oct-98 Jan-98 Aug-97 Mar-97 22-Jul-95 MTM1 FC 24 #29 #27 #32 #34 MTM2 FC 41 #42 #41 #42 #41 Here is a table showing measured velocities of various types on 15-MAR, along with what would have been measured if we changed the tuning in three ways. The first and third improve the cotuning slightly, while the second leaves it alone. I hope your mail program doesn't mangle this table too badly. Min Max Disk Ctr Disk Avg CAL Mode Actual (24, 41) -1900 4100 250 610 326 Retuned (25, 42) -2180 3790 -40 320 27 Retuned (26, 42) -2300 3640 -160 200 -89 Retuned (27, 43) -2560 3340 -455 -80 -388 The actual measured velocities are too positive these days, though not extremely so. The orbital velocity on 11-MAR was about +445 m/s, using an average for the same day in 97 and 98. By 15-JUN, it will drop to about +220 m/s, and to -300 m/s by mid-August. I think either of the first two retunings (25 or 26, 42) would be fine. The first would keep us happy longer, the second is optimized a bit more for the dynamics period. Maybe retuning during dynamics is out of the question, anyway. Ted