Description Duration Start Time End Time (hrs) (GMT) (GMT) LIFT-OFF 0.00 11/23/95 08:00 11/23/95 08:00 Ascent and Parking Orbit Phase 1.83 11/23/95 08:00 11/23/95 09:28 MDI Block 1 27.50 11/23/95 17:39 11/24/95 21:09 1.1 Start CCD Bake-out 2.00 11/23/95 17:39 11/23/95 19:39 1.2 Switch-on Filter Oven Htr 1.50 11/24/95 19:39 11/24/95 21:09 First Midcourse Correction 15.73 11/24/95 00:28 11/24/95 16:12 MDI Block 1 continued 270.33 11/26/95 08:00 12/07/95 14:20 Bake-out continued from LEOP 0.00 11/26/95 08:00 11/26/95 08:00 1.3 Thermal Adjustments 0.33 12/03/95 14:25 12/03/95 14:45 1.4 CCD Thermal Adjustment 0.33 12/07/95 14:00 12/07/95 12:20 MDI Block 2 73.00 11/26/95 14:00 11/29/95 15:00 2.1 Initial Commissioning 4.00 11/26/95 14:00 11/26/95 18:00 2.2 Image Processor Funct. Test 2.00 11/27/95 14:00 11/27/95 16:00 2.3 Table Loads 2.50 11/28/95 14:00 11/28/95 16:30 2.4 Shutter Tests 1.00 11/29/95 14:00 11/29/95 15:00 Second Midcourse Correction 31.77 12/13/95 13:00 12/14/95 20:46 MDI Block 1 continued 16.50 12/26/95 10:00 12/16/95 14:30 Bake-out continued from EarlyOP 0.00 12/15/95 10:00 12/15/95 10:00 1.5 End CCD Bakeout 0.33 12/16/95 13:00 12/16/95 14:30 MDI Block 2 continued 102.00 12/16/95 13:00 12/20/95 19:00 2.5 First Sunlight Images 1.00 12/16/95 13:00 12/16/95 15:00 2.6 Internal Alignment 1.00 12/16/95 15:00 12/16/95 16:00 2.7 ISS & Michelson Tests 2.00 12/17/95 13:00 12/17/95 15:00 2.8 Funct. Tests in Sunlight 4.00 12/18/95 13:00 12/18/95 18:00 2.9 Time Series 6.00 12/20/95 13:00 12/20/95 19:00 MDI Block 3 201.00 1/02/96 13:00 1/10/96 22:00 3.1 ISS Calibration 1.00 1/02/96 13:00 1/02/96 15:00 3.2 Sensitivity Calibrations 2.00 1/03/96 13:00 1/03/96 16:00 3.3 Imaging Calibrations 2.00 1/04/96 13:00 1/04/96 16:00 3.4 Flat Field 2.00 1/06/96 13:00 1/06/96 16:00 3.5 Michelson Tuning Calib. 9.00 1/07/96 13:00 1/07/96 22:00 3.6 Optical System Thermal Cal. 57.00 1/08/96 13:00 1/10/96 22:00 MDI Block 4 MDI Block 6 S8 Pointing Stability 17.00 1/30/96 13:00 1/31/96 06:00 without Experiment Motion S6/J5 Absolute Pointing Cal. 10.00 1/31/96 13:00 1/31/96 23:00 S7 Medium Term Pointing Calib. 13.00 2/01/96 13:00 2/02/96 02:00 S9/J4 Pointing Stability 13.00 2/02/96 13:00 2/03/96 02:00 during Experiment Motion SSA7 FPSS A & B Comparison 1.00 2/03/96 13:00 2/03/96 15:00 SSA8 SSU A & B Alignment Comp. 4.00 2/03/96 15:00 2/03/96 19:00 J1 Calibration Rolls 8.00 2/04/96 13:00 2/04/96 22:00 J3.2 Off-pointing for MDI 6.00 2/06/96 14:00 2/06/96 20:00 Flat-Fielding MDI Block 5
This page last reviewed and revised 9 November 1995 - SDW
Please address comments and questions to Scott Williams.