PROC F_FL_CT_PVVL6 GOTO BEGIN ; ;#*********************************************************************** ;# ****PROCEDURE HEADER**** ;# ;# 1.0 Introduction ;# ;# 1.1 FOT Name: F_FL_CT_PVVL6 ;# MMS-F Name: ;# SUM Issue: ;# Simulator Validation Status ;# ;# 1.2 Date Created: 01-Nov-95 heg ;# ;# ;# 1.3 Change Description: ;# ;# ;# 1.4 Point of Contact: ;# Author: ;# H.Gruenwaldt MPAe Lindau (49) 5556-979 413 ;# Revised: AGALVIN (0 changed to 100 for highest level) ;#*********************************************************************** ;# 2.0 Description ;# ;# 2.1 -->> Narrative Description <<-- ;# ** MPAe-CTOF AUTHORIZATION STRICTLY REQUIRED ** ;# PURPOSE: set VVPS LIMIT to level: PARAMETER ;# ;# 2.2 Intended Use: ;# ;# 2.3 Duration: TBD ;# ;# 2.4 References: ;# ;#*********************************************************************** ;# 3.0 Instructions for Use: ;# ;# 3.1 Parameters Required (hex) ;# ;# 0000,B330: 0% full ;# B330,B330: 70% good up to 1500 km/s ;# CCC9,B330: 80% good up to 1600 km/s ;# E662,B330: 90% good up to 1700 km/s ;# FFFC,B330: 100% good up to 1800 km/s ;# ;# 3.2 Critical Activities ;# Before DOWN setting to 0 require input from CTOF ;# MPAE representativ for procedures to goto safe with MCPS,HVPS ;# and execute said procedures! ;# ;# ;# 3.3 Special Constraints or Activities ;# Max. time: 30 sec between the two commands of the procedure ;# ;# ************************************************************************* ;# 4.0 STEPS: BEGIN: IF (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") THEN ELSE /CLEAR ;Clearing the Command Buffer. ENDIF LOCAL PARHV ASK "WHAT LISTED VVPS VOLTAGE LIMIT DO YOU ALLOW, INTEGER, [%] ?"PARHV IF (PARHV = 0) THEN /FBCENA /FBCLIMVV,0000,B330 ;set VVPS limit to level 0% WAIT ;VERIFY BUFFER Contents /SEND ELSE ENDIF IF (PARHV = 70) THEN /FBCENA /FBCLIMVV,B330,B330 ;set VVPS limit to level 70% WAIT ;VERIFY BUFFER Contents /SEND ELSE ENDIF IF (PARHV = 80) THEN /FBCENA /FBCLIMVV,CCC9,B330 ;set VVPS limit to level 80% WAIT ;VERIFY BUFFER Contents /SEND ELSE ENDIF IF (PARHV = 90) THEN /FBCENA /FBCLIMVV,E662,B330 ;set VVPS limit to level 90% WAIT ;VERIFY BUFFER Contents /SEND ELSE ENDIF IF (PARHV = 100) THEN /FBCENA /FBCLIMVV,FFFC,B330 ;set VVPS limit to level 100% WAIT ;VERIFY BUFFER Contents /SEND ELSE ENDIF ;# ;#*********************************************************************** ;# 5.0 Final Constraints ;# ;# TBD ;# ;#*********************************************************************** ENDPROC