PROC m_fl_htrdecon ;Version 6 GOTO BEGIN ; ;#************************************************************************** ;# ****PROCEDURE HEADER**** ;# ;# 1.0 Introduction ;# ;# 1.1 FOT Name: m_fl_htrdecon ;# MMS-F Name: ;# SUM Issue: ;# Simulator Validation Status: ;# ;# 1.2 Date Created: 9/27/94 ;# Revision: 1. 11-29-94 ;# 2. 4/24/95 GJ ;# 3. 5-3-95 RR ;# 4. 5-26-95 RR ;# 5. 06-JUN-95 HB ;# 6. 11/18/95 GJ ;# ;# 1.3 Change Description: ;# ;# 1. Changed TM check at begining of proc to end if not in LR ;# 2. changed comments, removed waits ;# 3. Changed comments and removed waits ;# 4. Changed data words in certain commands ;# 5. Changed HOP set point comment value from 64 to 96. Changed ;# the value in WAIT UNTIL(P@MKHOPSPT=32) from 324 to 32. ;# 6. Changed name convention from m_ts_* to m_fl_*. ;# ;# 1.4 Point of Contact: ;# FOT Author: RRowe ATSC/SOHO 805-3642 ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 2.0 Description ;# ;# 2.1 Narrative Description ;# ;# This procedure configures set points for the Optics ;# Package and Operational CCD heater controller warm up ;# following initial power ON ;# ;# 2.2 Intended Use: ;# ;# Setting the MDI Operational CCD and optics package ;# heater controller set points and powering on the CCD ;# decontamination heater following initial power up of MDI. ;# ;# 2.3 Duration: TBD ;# ;# 2.4 References: ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 3.0 Instructions for Use: ;# ;# 3.1 Parameters Required ;# ;# None ;# ;# 3.2 Critical Activities ;# ;# TBD ;# ;# 3.3 Special Constraints or Activities ;# ;# MDI in SLEEP or higher mode. Medium rate telemetry ;# support required for duration of power on sequence. MDI ;# Operator on station to support verification of procedure. ;# MDI operator verification required for each step before ;# continuing. ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 4.0 STEPS: ;# ; BEGIN: IF (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") THEN ELSE /CLEAR ;Clearing the Command Buffer. ENDIF ; IF (P@KKTMMODE = "HK") THEN ;Check TM is not in LR WRITE "TM IS NOT IN MEDIUM/HIGH RATE." GOTO END ENDIF P M_PWR_1,1,,+325+450 sv p@mipwa ; Record the MDI current. Should be <2.0 wait; Set HOC set point to 7 ; /mbhcmspt,0007; HOC set point to 7 /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(MKHCMSPT=7); Telemetry verification of HOC set point ; sv p@mipwa ; Record the MDI current. Should go up about 0.3. WAIT; 'GO' to set HOP set point to 96. ; /mbhopspt 0060; HOP set point to 96 /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MKHOPSPT=32); Telemetry verification of HOP set point WAIT UNTIL(P@MKHOPH2="OFF"); WAIT UNTIL(P@MKHOPH3="ON"); ; sv p@mipwa ; Record the MDI current. Should go up about 0.3. WAIT; 'GO' to turn on the HCM CCD decontamination heater ; /mbpwhcmn; turn on decon heater /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MKPWHCM="ON"); TLM verifificaiton HCM CCD decontamination heater on. ; WAIT; Record the MDI current. Should go up about 0.3. ; SNAP M_PWR_1,,HTRDECON.RPT,OVERWRITE ;#************************************************************************** ;# 5.0 Final Constraints ;# ;# TBD ;# ;#************************************************************************** END: ENDPROC