PROC m_fl_pconsca ;Version 6 GOTO BEGIN ; ;#************************************************************************** ;# ****PROCEDURE HEADER**** ;# ;# 1.0 Introduction ;# ;# 1.1 FOT Name: M_fl_PCONSCA ;# MMS-F Name: ;# SUM Issue: ;# Simulator Validation Status: ;# ;# 1.2 Date Created: 9-SEP-94 ;# Revision: 1. 11-29-94 ;# 2. 4-26-95 ;# 3. 5-26-95 ;# 4. 8-14-95 GJ ;# 5. 11-02-95 GJ ;# 6. 11/18/95 GJ ;# ;# 1.3 Change Description: ;# ;# 1. Changed TM check to end proc if in LR ;# 2. Added mdi_hrtlm and mdi_cmd instead of cmd ;# 3. Corrected syntax errors ;# 4. Added wait 5 and 10 seconds, /mcdprstr and telephone ;# number. ;# 5. Deleted Global and added Local and deleted if else if ;# statement and added PRIME or REDUNDANT. ;# 6. Changed name convention from m_ts_* to m_fl_*. ;# ;# ;# 1.4 Point of Contact: ;# FOT Author: RRowe ATSC/SOHO 286-4799 ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 2.0 Description ;# ;# 2.1 Narrative Description ;# ;# This procedure powers up the MDI instrument with the primary ;# MDI power converters on the spacecraft primary power interface (A) ;# and primary telecommand and telemetry interfaces. It powers on ;# PC1, PC2, DEP and AE. It is initiated with MDI in OFF mode and ;# if successful, completes with MDI in SLEEP mode. ;# ;# ;# 2.2 Intended Use: ;# ;# Controlled initial power on of MDI from OFF to SLEEP. ;# ;# 2.3 Duration: TBD ;# ;# 2.4 References: ;# ;# "stol_list.tst" provided from SOI-MDI and SOHO FOT meeting. ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 3.0 Instructions for Use: ;# ;# 3.1 Parameters Required ;# ;# None ;# ;# 3.2 Critical Activities ;# ;# TBD ;# ;# 3.3 Special Constraints or Activities ;# ;# Medium rate telemetry support required for duration of power on ;# sequence. MDI Operator on station to support verification of ;# procedure. MDI Operator verification required for each step ;# before continuing. ;#************************************************************************** ;# 4.0 STEPS: ;# ; BEGIN: ; LOCAL MDI_HRTLM, MDI_CMD IF (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") THEN ELSE /CLEAR ;Clearing the Command Buffer. ENDIF ; IF (P@KKTMMODE = "HK") THEN ;Check TM is not in LR WRITE "TM IS NOT IN MEDIUM/HIGH RATE." GOTO END ELSE ENDIF ; P M_PWR_1,1,,+325+450 WAIT UNTIL((P@MIPWA>=0)AND(P@MIPWA<0.05)) ;Current should be approx zero WAIT UNTIL((P@MIPWB>=0)AND(P@MIPWB<0.05)) ;Current should be approx zero WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWA="OFF"); Wait until MSPWA indicates OFF WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWB="OFF"); Wait until MSPWB indicates OFF ; WAIT ;Verify currents and 'GO' to command MDI all off. ; /mcallofn ;Safety command to ensure MDI is OFF, before powering on /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWDPN="OFF"); Verify DEP is OFF. WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWAEN="OFF"); Verify App electronics are OFF. WAIT; 'GO' to switch MDI power converters to B bus. ; /mcpc1bn; PRIMARY CONVERTER 1 TO B(N) /mcpc2bn; PRIMARY CONVERTER 2 TO B(N) /mcrc1bn; PRIMARY CONVERTER 1 TO B(N) /mcrc2bn; PRIMARY CONVERTER 2 TO B(N) /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPC1N="B"); Verify command execution. WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPC2N="B"); Verify command execution. WAIT UNTIL(P@MSRC1N="B"); Verify command execution. WAIT UNTIL(P@MSRC2N="B"); Verify command execution. ; WAIT; 'GO' for s/c bus A power on ; /KNMPWANN; S/C BUS A POWER ON /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWA="ON"); Verify s/c bus A power on WAIT UNTIL((P@MIPWA>=0)AND(P@MIPWA<0.05)) ;Current should be approx zero s k_exp_mon_ena WAIT; 'GO' to send ALL OFF command. ; /mcallofn; SEND MDI ALL OFF CMD /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWDPN="OFF"); Verify DEP is OFF. WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWAEN="OFF"); Verify App electronics are OFF. ; ASK_HRTLM: ASK "USE PRIME OR REDUNDANT 160K IF (PRI/RED)?" MDI_HRTLM MDI_HRTLM = %UPPER(MDI_HRTLM) IF ((MDI_HRTLM <> "RED") and (MDI_HRTLM <> "PRI")) THEN GOTO ASK_HRTLM ENDIF; IF (MDI_HRTLM = "RED")THEN /MCTMSELN ;SET 160K INTERFACE RELAY /SEND ENDIF WAIT; 'GO' to switch pc2 to A bus. ; /mcpc2an; PC2 TO A BUS /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPC2N="A") ;Verify primary converter 2 (PC2) is on the A bus. ; SV P@MIPWA ; Record the MDI current. This should be WAIT; approximately 0.3. ; WAIT; 'GO' to switch on DEP. ; /mcdponn; DEP POWER ON /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWDPN="ON"); Verify DEP is powered ON. ; ASK "WILL THE PRIME OR RED BLOCK CMD I/F BE USED (PRI/RED)?"MDI_CMD MDI_CMD = %UPPER(MDI_CMD) IF (MDI_CMD = "RED") THEN /MCTCMLN /SEND ENDIF SV P@MIPWA ; Record the MDI current. This should be WAIT; approximately 0.4. ; WAIT; 'GO' to switch on apps electronics. ; /MBPWAEON; POWER ON APPS ELECTRONICS /SEND WAIT 5 ; WAIT UNTIL(P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE"); reset DEP to recover fom AE power up. ; /MCDPRSTN; RESET DEP /MCDPRSTR /SEND WAIT 10 ; resend AE power on to get correct WAIT UNTIL(P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE"); DEP power indication. ; /MBPWAEON; POWR ON AE /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPWAEN="ON") ;Verify App electronics are powered ON. ; ;'GO' to send command to tell DEP which WAIT ;160k TLM interface is selected. WAIT UNTIL(P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE"); DEP power indication. IF (MDI_HRTLM = "PRI") THEN /MBPWTM1o /SEND ELSE /MBPWTM2o /SEND ENDIF; ; WAIT; 'GO' to set DEP local on-board time. ; /knk12000,0020; DISTRIBUTE OBT TO MDI /SEND ; WAIT; 'GO' to reset all motor controllers. ; /mbshrs; SHUTTER RESET /mbm1rs; MTM1 RESET /mbm2rs; MTM2 RESET /mbpars; PA RESET /mbc1rs; C1 RESET /mbc2rs; C1 RESET /mbfdrs; FRONT DOOR STATUS /mbam1rs; AM1 RESET /mbam2rs; AM2 RESET /SEND ; WAIT; 'GO' to switch pc1 to A bus. ; /mcpc1an; PC1 TO A BUS /SEND ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MSPC1N="A"); Verify PC1 is connected to A bus. ; SV P@MIPWA ; Record the MDI current. This should be WAIT; approximately 0.7. ; WAIT UNTIL(P@MKPWAE="ON") ;Verify application is on I/F power. IF(MDI_HRTLM="PRI") THEN WAIT UNTIL(P@MKTMSEL="1") ;Verify TM selection enabled. WAIT UNTIL(P@MSTMSELN="1") ;Verify TM selection enabled. ELSE WAIT UNTIL(P@MKTMSEL="2") ;Verify TM selection enabled. WAIT UNTIL(P@MSTMSELN="2") ;Verify TM selection enabled. endif ; SNAP M_PWR_1,,PCSONSCA.RPT,OVERWRITE ; ;#************************************************************************** ;# 5.0 Final Constraints ;# ;# TBD ;# ;#************************************************************************** END: ENDPROC