PROC m_fl_sq_patch ;Version 6 GOTO BEGIN ; ;#************************************************************************** ;# ****PROCEDURE HEADER**** ;# ;# 1.0 Introduction ;# ;# 1.1 FOT Name: M_TS_SQ_PATCH ;# MMS-F Name: ;# SUM Issue: ;# Simulator Validation Status: ;# ;# 1.2 Date Created: 5-23-95 ;# Revision: 1. 5-26-95 ;# 2. 06-JUN-95 HB ;# 3. 07-jun-95 RR ;# 4. 15-AUG-95 RR ;# 5. 9-12-95 RR ;# 6. 11-18-05 GJ ;# ;# 1.3 Change Description: ;# ;# 1. correct command mnemonics ;# 2. In the second block of MBDPM1 commands, changed the second ;# data word in the fifth command from 3FA6 to 3FA8. Changed the ;# first data word in the last MBDPM1 from 100C to 1000. ;# 3. Corrected command /mbdpm1,1000,3f10,feco to /mbdpm1,1000,3f18,feco ;# 4. corrected data words in EMI2 patch, removed p@ from mktccnt ;# 5. changed pathc loads ;# 6. Changed name convention from m_ts_* to m_fl_*. ;# ;# 1.4 Point of Contact: ;# FOT Author: RRowe ATSC/SOHO 286-4799 ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 2.0 Description ;# ;# 2.1 Narrative Description ;# ;# This procedure patched the DEP EMI2 (0x40) and IPDEPIP5(0x500) ;# onboard sequences to avoid fractional reference times for ;# images in DEP flight software version 10.02 ;# ;# 2.2 Intended Use: ;# ;# Patch DEP flight software version 10.02 to avoid errors during ;# sequence operation due to fractional reference times. ;# ;# 2.3 Duration: TBD ;# ;# 2.4 References: ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 3.0 Instructions for Use: ;# ;# 3.1 Parameters Required ;# ;# None ;# ;# 3.2 Critical Activities ;# ;# TBD ;# ;# 3.3 Special Constraints or Activities ;# ;# At least medium rate TM support required for duration of ;# sequence. MDI operator on station to support verification ;# of procedure. ;#************************************************************************** ;# 4.0 STEPS: BEGIN: local ccnt IF (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") THEN ELSE /CLEAR ;Clearing the Command Buffer. ENDIF IF (P@KKTMMODE = "HK") THEN ;Check TM is not in LR WRITE "TM IS NOT IN MEDIUM/HIGH RATE." GOTO END ENDIF wait; 'GO' to dump sequence from memory /mbdpmd,1000,3c50,02b8 /send ccnt=mktccnt; store command counter wait; 'GO' to load the EMI2 (0x400) patch /mbdpml 1000 3C9C 0008 0310 0050 41BF 0082 0005 /mbdpml 1000 3CA8 0138 3D2C 0591 0000 0000 0000 /mbdpml 1000 3CB4 0168 3D2C 0592 0000 0202 0202 /mbdpml 1000 3CC0 0198 463E 0592 0000 0303 0303 /mbdpml 1000 3CCC 01C8 463E 0591 0000 0101 0101 /mbdpml 1000 3CD8 01F8 4F50 0591 0000 C0C0 C0C0 /mbdpml 1000 3CE4 0228 4F50 0592 0000 C2C2 C2C2 /mbdpml 1000 3CF0 0258 5862 0592 0000 C3C3 C3C3 /mbdpml 1000 3CFC 0288 5862 0591 0000 C1C1 C1C1 /send wait until(P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE"); wait; Enter new observation address into obs pointer table /mbdpml 1000 4080 2C14 /send wait until(mktccnt=(ccnt+10)); verify command counter increments wait; 'GO' load DEP sequence buffer patches /mbdpml 1000 3EF2 0101 /mbdpml 1000 3D2A 0404 /mbdpml 1000 3CA6 0505 /mbdpml 1000 3C5E 0707 /mbdpml 1000 3C54 0005 /mbdpml 1000 3CB0 4343 4343 /send wait until(mktccnt=(ccnt+16)); verify command counter increments wait; 'GO' to dump sequence from memory /mbdpmd,1000,3c50,02b8 /send wait; set DEP sequence to use frame list pointer for structure program /mbsqreg 00f7 7FFF /send wait until(P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE"); ;#************************************************************************** ;# 5.0 Final Constraints ;# ;# TBD ;# ;#************************************************************************** ENDPROC