PROC K_IDTODUMP ;VERSION 5 GOTO BEGIN ; ;#************************************************************************** ;# ****PROCEDURE HEADER**** ;# ;# 1.0 Introduction ;# ;# 1.1 FOT Name: K_IDTODUMP ;# MMS-F Name: IDLE_TO_DUMP_FORM_1_OPT ;# SUM Issue: 3E ;# Simulator Validation Status: Complete ;# ;# 1.2 Date Created: 22 MAR 1994 ;# Revision: 1. 10-JUN-94 MH ;# 2. 2-FEB-95 HB ;# 3. 24-MAR-95 HB ;# 4. 24-MAY-95 HB ;# 5. 23-OCT-95 RS ;# ;# 1.3 Change Description: ;# ;# 1. Deleted page call. ;# 2. Changed name to K_IDTODUMP. Added flexibility to perform ;# this procedure regardless of TM subformat. Deleted WAIT ;# statements after commands. Moved TM verification for TR to ;# standby to after the TC. Deleted unnecessary comments. ;# 3. Updated procedures per SUM 3B. No TSTOL changes. ;# 4. Added WAIT statement to configure local TPOCC switch for ;# playback. Added TNIF LOAD and HISTORY statements. ;# 5. Updated narrative description, the duration, references, parameters ;# required, critical activities, and added local new local ;# variables for incorporation of possibility for nominal ;# and redundant recorders. ;# ;# 1.4 Point of Contact: GMiller ;# FOT Author: MHill ATSC/SOHO 286-4799 ;# ;#************************************************************************** ;# 2.0 Description ;# ;# 2.1 Narrative Description ;# ;# To change the TM mode from idle to dump and to set ;# the TR in dump mode. This transition is optional. The ;# transition can be performed directly from record mode ;# to dump mode. ;# ;# 2.2 Intended Use: ;# ;# Change TM mode from Idle to dump, Acquisition Format 1 ;# (Option) ;# ;# 2.3 Duration: TBD ;# ;# 4 minutes 45 seconds ;# ;# 2.4 References: ;# 6.1.1 SOHO Style Guide ;# 6.1.2 SOHO SUM ISSUE 01B ;# 6.1.3 SOHO POCC Users Guide Chapter 4 and ;# Appendix A. ;# Pages: D_SSR_STAT_N, D_TR_STATUS ;#************************************************************************** ;# 3.0 Instructions for Use: ;# ;# 3.1 Parameters Required ;# ;# D_SSR_DUMP ;# ;# 3.2 Critical Activities ;# ;# None. ;# ;# 3.3 Special Constraints or Activities ;# ;# Before initiating the mode transition at TR level it is ;# necessary to wait up to 22.5 sec for idle mode to be correctly ;# settled. ;#************************************************************************** ;# 4.0 STEPS: ;# ;# Note Time Tags may be used. ; BEGIN: LOCAL TID, RECORDER, TRPOS RETRY: ASK "What recorder is being used? NOM TR/RED SSR (NOM/RED)?"RECORDER LET RECORDER = %UPPER(RECORDER) IF (RECORDER = "NOM") THEN ASK "What telemetry subformat is the DHSS in (1-4)?"TID WRITE " Initiating Idle to Dump Mode" IF (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") THEN ELSE /CLEAR ;Clearing the Command Buffer. ENDIF ;Clear command buffer WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMFID = "MR/HR $TID") ;Check the current TM mode WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMMODE = "IDLE") ;Check the current TM mode WAIT;Configure local TPOCC switch for playback: FE ch 3 (in) to FE ch 2 (out) TNIF LOAD 2 SOHO2.DSD HISTORY OPEN FRAME TREC IF (P@DSTR1SBY = "STAND-BY") THEN ELSE /DZTR1SBN ;Put TR 1 in standby if not already. /SEND WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1SBY="STAND-BY") ENDIF /KNK1ET5$TID ;Select DHSS Dump mode /SEND WRITE "Up to 22.5 seconds may be necessary for the change to be effective and reported in the telemetry." WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMFID = "MR/HR $TID") ;Verify Data Format 1 selected WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMMODE = "PLAYBACK") ;Verify DHSS is in Dump Mode WRITE " (available at latest 3 formats after commanding)" WRITE " Send TC to put TR in dump mode" /DZTR1PAN ;Tape-Rec 1 to REPRO/A (NOM) /SEND WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1REP = "REPRO.") ;TR in dump mode WRITE "TR is now in dump mode" LET TRPOS = DSTR1POS WAIT UNTIL (DSTR1POS.LT.TRPOS) ELSE IF (RECORDER = "RED") THEN S D_SSR_DUMP ELSE WRITE "Invalid recorder. TRY AGAIN." WAIT ;Type 'GO' to try again. GOTO RETRY ENDIF ENDIF ;#************************************************************************** ;# 5.0 Final Constraints ;# ;# None ;# ;#************************************************************************** ENDPROC