PROC K_IDTORC ;Version 9 GOTO BEGIN ; ;#*************************************************************************** ;# ****PROCEDURE HEADER**** ;# ;# 1.0 Introduction ;# ;# 1.1 Name: K_IDTORC ;# MMS-F NAME: IDLE_TO_RECORD_FORM_1_OPT ;# SUM ISSUE: 3E ;# Simulator Validation status: Complete ;# ;# 1.2 Date Created: 10-06-93 ;# Revision: 1. 31-MAR-94 MH ;# 2. 08-JUN-94 MH ;# 3. 06-OCT-94 BS ;# 4. 2-FEB-95 HB ;# 5. 15-MAR-95 HB ;# 6. 24-MAR-95 HB ;# 7. 11-APR-95 MH ;# 8. 26-MAY-95 MH ;# 9. 23-OCT-95 RS ;# ;# 1.3 Change Description: ;# ;# 1. SUM 2A REV. 1 TC &TM CHANGES ;# 2. /KNK1C000,0001 -> /KNK1CNOM ;# P@DSTR1POS -> DSTR1PBT, Added 2 WRITE statements ;# deleted page call ;# 3. Moved SB: section inside STANDBY if statement. Moved ;# selecting NOMINAL TR to beginning, right after clearing ;# command buffer. ;# 4. Changed name to K_IDTORC. Added flexibility to perform this ;# procedure regardless of TM submode number. Moved command ;# state IF-THEN loop prior to first TM checks. Deleted WAIT ;# statements after commands. Deleted command state IF-THEN loop ;# before TR to record redundant command. Deleted unnecessary ;# comments. ;# 5. Added TM check after nominal rewind command. Added redundant ;# rewind command and TM check. ;# 6. Updated procedure per SUM 3B. Added IF/THEN for TR/SSR check. ;# 7. Added blank line after first endif. Added page reference. ;# 8. Changed order of DHSS and TR record commands. ;# 9. Added version to header, updated simulator validation status ;# to complete, updated the narrative description to reflect ;# procedure changes, same for intended use, references, and parameters ;# required. Added local variables recorder and TRPOS. Added choice in ;# procedure to allow user to choose nominal or redundant recorders ;# as well as checks that the SSR is off and nominal power is ;# being supplied via LCLs to the recorder. Added Constraint. ;# ;# 1.4 Point of Contact: GMiller ;# FOT Author: TBailey ATSC/SOHO 286-4799 ;# ;#*************************************************************************** ;# 2.0 Description ;# ;# 2.1 Narrative Description ;# ;# To change the TM mode from idle to record and to set the ;# (NOM/RED) in record mode. ;# ;# 2.2 Intended Use: ;# ;# Change TM mode to Rec in Acquisition Format (1 - 4) ;# ;# 2.3 Duration: 12 minutes 45 seconds ;# ;# 2.4 References: D_TR_STATUS, D_SSR_STAT_N ;# ;#*************************************************************************** ;# 3.0 Instructions for Use: ;# ;# 3.1 Parameters Required ;# ;# D_SSR_RECORD ;# ;# 3.2 Critical Activities ;# ;# TBD ;# ;# 3.3 Special Constraints or Activities ;# ;# Before initiating the mode transition at experiment ;# level it is necessary to wait up to 22.5 sec. for ;# idle mode to be correctly settled. As the procedure ;# foresee to configure first the TR in record mode ;# before configuring the COBS/DHSS in record mode the ;# telemetry containing the clock information (DSTR1CLK) ;# will indicate missing clock. Note that the procedure ;# related to TR management has still to be checked ;# with ODETICS. ;# ;# If TR already at tape position 0 then TR rewind CMD will NOT ;# put TR at BOT. Must Fast FWD TR then RWD. ;#*************************************************************************** ;# 4.0 STEPS: BEGIN: LOCAL TID, RECORDER, TRPOS IF (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") THEN ELSE /CLEAR ;Clearing the Command Buffer. ENDIF ;Clear Command Buffer ASK "What telemetry subformat is the DHSS in (1-4)?"TID WRITE " HR idle to record mode transition can be initiated" WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMFID = "MR/HR $TID") ;Verify acquisition format 1 is ;selected WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMMODE = "IDLE") ;Verify DHSS is in HR IDLE Mode RETRY: ASK "NOM (TR) OR RED (SSR) RECORDER? (NOM/RED)"RECORDER LET RECORDER = %UPPER(RECORDER) IF (RECORDER = "NOM") THEN WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1ON = "ON") ;TR ON WAIT UNTIL (P@DSSSN = "OFF") ;SSR OFF WAIT UNTIL (P@DSSSNON = "OFF") ;LCL LINE 1 OFF (SSR) WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTRA = "ON") ;LCL LINE 1 ON (TR) WRITE "Send TCM to select nominal TR with data word 1 = 00." IF (P@KKTRSSEL <> "NOM TR") THEN /KNK1CNOM ;SELECT NOM/RED TAPE-REC /SEND ;Sending Command Buffer ELSE ENDIF WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTRSSEL = "NOM TR") ;Tape-Rec Selected continue IF (P@DSTR1SBY <> "STAND-BY") THEN WRITE " Send TC to put TR in stand-by" /DZTR1SBN ;Tape-Rec 1 to stand-by (NOM) /SEND ;Sending Command Buffer WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1SBY = "STAND-BY") TIMEOUT 60 IF (P@DSTR1SBY <> "STAND-BY") THEN ;Tape-Rec 1 Stand-By Check. WRITE " NOM Failed for Tape-Rec 1 stand-by, sending RED." /DZTR1SBR ;Tape-Rec 1 to Stand-By (RED) /SEND ;Sending Command Buffer ;check to see if RED worked TBD. WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1SBY = "STAND-BY") ;If Tape-Rec 1 in stand-by type GO to continue. ELSE ENDIF ELSE ENDIF IF (P@DSTR1PBT = "PRIM.BOT") THEN GOTO REC ELSE ENDIF WRITE " Send TC to put TR in rewind mode." WAIT UNTIL (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") /DZTR1RWN ;Tape-Rec 1 to REWIND (NOM) /SEND ;Sending Command Buffer WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1FRV = "FAST.REV") TIMEOUT 60 WAIT UNTIL (P@CMD_STATE#TELECOMMAND = "AVAILABLE") IF (P@DSTR1FRV <> "FAST.REV") THEN /DZTR1RWR ;Tape-Rec 1 to REWIND (RED) /SEND ;Sending command buffer WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1FRV = "FAST.REV") ELSE ENDIF WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1PBT = "PRIM.BOT") ;Read TM to verify tape position, ;when it reaches BOT, ready to start recording REC: WRITE "CHECK VALUE OF TR POSITION COUNTER - TM:DSTRIPOS, RECORD VALUE" WAIT ;Record value on pass plan. WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1SBY = "STAND-BY") ;Verify WRITE " Send TC to put TR in record mode." /KNK1ET4$TID ;Select TM Rate/Mode/Format, Selecting DHSS Mode to record /SEND ;Sending Command Buffer WRITE " Up to 22.5 seconds may be necessary for the change to be effective and " WRITE " reported in telemetry." WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMFID = "MR/HR $TID") ;Verify TM Format 1 is selected WAIT UNTIL (P@KKTMMODE = "RECORD") ;Verify DHSS is in record mode /DZTR1CAN ;Tape-Rec 1 to Record/A (NOM) /SEND ;Sending Command Buffer WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1REC = "RECORD") TIMEOUT 60 IF (P@DSTR1REC <> "RECORD") THEN ;Tape-Rec 1 Record/A Check. WRITE "NOM Failed for Tape-Rec 1 Record/A sending RED." /DZTR1CAR ;Tape-Rec 1 to Record/A (RED) /SEND ;Sending Command Buffer to check to see if RED worked TBD. WAIT UNTIL (P@DSTR1REC = "RECORD") ;If Tape-Rec 1 in record type GO to continue. ELSE ENDIF LET TRPOS = DSTR1POS WAIT UNTIL (DSTR1POS .GT. TRPOS) ;Verify TR position is incrementing. WRITE "Tape Recorder is now Recording VC0 and VC1 data" WRITE "Verify Tape Recorder position counter is incrementing - TM:DSTR1POS" ELSEIF (RECORDER = "RED" ) THEN S D_SSR_RECORD ELSE WRITE "Invalid Entry, TRY AGAIN." WAIT ;TYPE GO TO CONTINUE GOTO RETRY ENDIF ;#*************************************************************************** ;# ;# 5.0 Final Constraints ;# ;# None. ;# ;#*************************************************************************** ENDPROC