function [results]=calc_kernel(sm,params); % MATLAB HELP: % % function [results]=calc_kernel(sm,params); % % inputs: % sm, the solar model % params, the parameters for the kernel we want % outputs % results, a structure containing the kernel and the grids, etc. % % these input/outputs are pretty complicated, see or % codes.pdf for more info % % aaron birch, may 21, 2002 % % unpack what we need from the solar model structure % R=sm.R; r=sm.r; c=sm.c; rho=sm.rho; n=sm.n; l=sm.l; w=sm.w; U=sm.U; V=sm.V; clear sm % % set up the grid in angle % phi_vector=linspace(-0.5*,1.5*,params.NPHI); % % set up the grid in radius % min_index=min(find(r>params.MINR)); index=round(linspace(min_index,length(r),params.NR)); % % pick out the modes that we are going to compute with % [n,l,w,amp,I]=select_modes(n,l,w,params); % % if we wanted to skip some modes % SKIP=params.SKIP; n=n(1:SKIP:length(n)); l=l(1:SKIP:length(l)); w=w(1:SKIP:length(w)); amp=amp(1:SKIP:length(amp)); I=I(1:SKIP:length(I)); U=U(I,:); V=V(I,:); % % define for later convenience % N=length(n);; % % setup the grid in radius % r_vector=r(index); % % do the computation of the divergence of the eigenfunctions % UI=zeros(N,length(index)); D=zeros(size(U)); for (i=1:N) D(i,:)=gradient(U(i,:),R*r)+(r*R).^(-1).*(2*U(i,:)-sqrt(l(i)*(l(i)+1))*V(i,:)); UI(i,:)=D(i,index); end; % % don't need these variable any more % clear U clear V clear D % % do the time grid % time=linspace(params.T_MIN,params.T_MAX,params.T_STEPS); % % the filter % F=amp; SF=sqrt(F); % % calculate the legendre polynomials at cos(delta) % legendreP=calc_legendre(max(l),cos(delta)); % % and then calculate the zero order signal at delta % [f,df,ddf]=isolation_filter(w,F,legendreP(l),l,time); % % if we wanted to only compute the isolation filter % if (params.CALC_F_ONLY) return end; %%%%%%%% introduce some angles %%%%%%%%%% % % for a cut containing the source and receiver % if (params.CUT==0) for (PHI_INDEX=1:length(phi_vector) ) if (phi_vector(PHI_INDEX)>0 & phi_vector(PHI_INDEX)delta-pi & phi_vector(PHI_INDEX)