function [n,l,w,amp,I]=select_modes(n,l,w,params); % MATLAB HELP: % % function [n,l,w,amp,I]=select_modes(n,l,w,params); % % select the modes out of n,l,w that maximize some function, % which is specified by the filter parameters in params % % inputs: % n, radial orders % l, angular degrees % w, frequencies % params, filter paramters, this structure is complicated, see % output: % n, radial orders of the selected modes % l, angular degrees of the selected modes % w, frequencies of the selected modes % amp, amplitude of the mode given the filter in params % I, index into the original mode list that tells which modes % this code has picked out, this is useful to know for later % % % see for details % % aaron birch may 21 2002 if (params.EXCLUDE_F) I=find(n~=0); n=n(I); l=l(I); w=w(I); end; if (params.FILTER_TYPE==0) g=zeros(size(l)); for (the_n=0:max(n)) I=find(n==the_n); if length(I>0) l1=l(I); w1=w(I); g1=gradient(w1,l1); g(I)=g1; end; end; speed=params.FILTER_PARAM1; speed_WIDTH=params.FILTER_PARAM2; amp=exp(-0.5*(g-speed).^2 / (speed_width)^2 ); end; if (params.FILTER_TYPE==1) %% use the phase speed filter speed=params.FILTER_PARAM1; speed_WIDTH=params.FILTER_PARAM2; p=w./(l+0.00001); %% phase speed amp=exp(-0.5*(p-speed).^2 / (speed_width)^2 ); end; if (params.FILTER_TYPE==2) %% use the l filter amp=(l>params.FILTER_PARAM1).*(l