% the script for calling the raypath function % % the ray is selected by choosing w (frequency) and l (angular degree) % % see ray_codes.ps for details % % aaron birch, may 22, 2002 % % frequency for the ray % w=0.03; % % angular degree for the ray % l=50; % % load the solar model % load model % % call the ray tracer code % [r_path,theta_path,t_group,t_phase,path_length]=raypath(w,l,r,cs,wcs); % % call the kernel code % [K]=ray_kernel(r_path,t_phase,R,r,w,cs,wcs); % % symmetrize the ray path around lower turning point % path_length=path_length*2; N=length(r_path); f=N:(-1):1; s=2:N; r_path=[r_path(f) r_path(s)]; theta_path=[ -1*theta_path(f) theta_path(s) ]; mgroup=max(t_group); t_group=[ mgroup-t_group(f) mgroup+t_group(s)]; mphase=max(t_phase); dtau_phase=[ mphase-t_phase(f) mphase+t_phase(s)];