% this script call tau.m which computes distances, turning points, % and travel-times for rays and plots the results % % you can change the range in freqency and angular degree by modifying % the first two statements in this script % % see ray_codes.ps for details % % aaron birch may 22 2002 % % the frequencies to compute at % w=2*pi*linspace(0.0030,0.0030,1); % % the angular degrees to compute % l=70:5:100; % % load the model % load model % % allocate space for the results % time=zeros(length(w),length(l)); delta=zeros(size(time)); % % loop over frequency, and then angular degree, computing for each one % for (i=1:length(w)) i, for (j=1:length(l)) % % call the code to do the actual calculation % [time(i,j),delta(i,j),lower(i,j),upper(i,j)]=tau(w(i),l(j),r,cs,wcs); end; end; % % plot the results % clf;c=['r' 'g' 'c' 'b' 'm']; for (i=1:length(w)) plot(delta(i,:),time(i,:)/60,c(1+mod(i,5)));hold on; end; xlabel('\Delta (deg)'); ylabel('\tau (minutes)');