function [time,delta,lowerI,upperI]=tau(w0,l,r,cs,wcs); % MATLAB HELP: % % function [time,delta,lowerI,upperI]=tau(w0,l,r,cs,wcs); % % inputs: % w0, frequency % l, angular degree % r, radius % cs, square of the sound speed as a function of radius % wcs, square of the acoustic cutoff of frequency as function of radius % outputs: % time, first bounce phase time % delta, first bounce distane % lowerI, index into r of the lower turning point % upperI, index into r of the upper turning point % % see for details % % aaron birch may 22 2002 N=1; % % solar radius in cm % R=6.9599e10; % % square of horizontal wavenumber % khs=l*(l+1)*r.^(-2); % % square of radial wavenumber as function of radius % krs=(w0^2-wcs)./cs-khs; % % find where radial wavenumber switches sign, i.e. turning points % left=sign(krs(1:(length(krs)-1))); right=sign(krs(2:length(krs))); I=find(left.*right==-1); % % approximate lower turning point % lower=(min(r(I))+min(r(I+1)))/2; % % approximate upper turning point % upper=(max(r(I))+max(r(I+1)))/2; % % is there are more than two turning points, then try % to figure out what is going on % if (length(I)>2) disp('more than two turning points !'); % % if two neighboring points are zero crossings then drop them % j=2;done=0; while (~done & j<=length(I)) if (I(j)==I(j-1)+1) I=I([1:j-2 j+1:length(I)]);done=1; end; j=j+1; end; % % check is there still is a problem % if (length(I)>2) disp(' length(I) > 2, cant find turning points'); w0,l,I end; end; lowerI=min(I)+1; %% really should be +1 upperI=max(I); %% and +0 range=(lowerI+N):(upperI-N); % % now have to do some tricks to integrate over the singularities % at the turning points % % first treat the time at lower turning point % lr=(lowerI-N):(lowerI+N); fcn=cs(lr).^2.*krs(lr); [P,S,mu]=polyfit(r(lr),fcn,1); % do linear fit P(2)=P(2)-P(1)*mu(1)/mu(2); P(1)=P(1)/mu(2); ltime=4*w0*sqrt(P(1)*r(max(lr))+P(2))/P(1); %% and do the integration % % delta at the lower turning point % fcn=(r(lr).^2).*krs(lr)./khs(lr); [P,S,mu]=polyfit(r(lr),fcn,1); % do linear fit P(2)=P(2)-P(1)*mu(1)/mu(2); P(1)=P(1)/mu(2); ldelta=720*sqrt(P(1)*r(max(lr))+P(2))/P(1)/pi; %% and do the integration % % time at the upper turning point % lr=(upperI-N):(upperI+N); fcn=cs(lr).^2.*krs(lr); [P,S,mu]=polyfit(r(lr)/R,fcn,1); % do linear fit P(2)=P(2)-P(1)*mu(1)/mu(2); P(1)=P(1)/mu(2); utime=-4*w0*R*sqrt(P(1)*r(min(lr))/R+P(2))/P(1); %% and do the integration % % delta at the upper turning point % fcn=(r(lr).^2).*krs(lr)./khs(lr); [P,S,mu]=polyfit(r(lr)/R,fcn,1); % do linear fit P(2)=P(2)-P(1)*mu(1)/mu(2); P(1)=P(1)/mu(2); udelta=-720*R*sqrt(P(1)*r(min(lr))/R+P(2))/P(1)/pi; %% and do the integration % % away from the turning point things are easier % time = integrate(r(range)/R,2*R*w0*(cs(range).*sqrt(krs(range))).^(-1)); delta= integrate(r(range),360*sqrt(khs(range))./sqrt(krs(range))./r(range)/pi); % % add in the corrections from the turning points % time=time+ltime+utime; delta=delta+ldelta+udelta; % % all done %