May 3, 1996 Even 'Quiet,' Sun Is Found Very Turbulent By MALCOLM W. BROWNE A new European-American spacecraft has revealed that even when the Sun is relatively quiet, like at the present, it is more violently turbulent than astronomers had realized. At a news conference in Washington on Thursday, solar astronomers predicted a rich harvest of new knowledge about the complex dynamics of the Sun as data and images pour in from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory , which was launched Dec. 2 from Cape Canaveral, Fla. The spacecraft, built by the European Space Agency in cooperation with NASA, is the first solar observatory capable of round-the-clock observations. Other spacecraft observing the Sun have been in orbit around the Earth, where the view of the Sun is obstructed with each revolution. But SOHO, orbiting between the Sun and Earth one million miles from the Earth, is at a point where the gravitational fields of the Earth and Sun cancel each other and has the Sun in continuous view. To the surprise of astronomers, some of the first images gathered by ultraviolet-sensitive instruments show long, feathery plumes spurting millions of miles into space from regions near the Sun's poles. Solar experts had not expected to see such features in such places at a time when the Sun is relatively quiet, that is, free of sunspots, flares and giant magnetic storms. The intensity of solar storms and magnetic turbulence reaches a maximum once every 11 years or so, and at present, the Sun is probably near its least active phase. By starting its planned 30-month observing schedule during a quiet period, SOHO is expected to measure a baseline of solar activity, against which the violent phases can be compared. The spacecraft has three main missions: to investigate the outer layer of the Sun, to determine how it expels material into space and the effect of this material on the Earth's environment, and to probe the Sun's interior structure. The spacecraft is also performing some incidental tasks, including observations of Comet Hyakutake, which at present is hidden from the Earth behind the Sun, but is visible to SOHO. SOHO's initial results received high praise from astronomers not associated with the project. Dr. John Leibacher of the National Solar Observatory in Tucson, Ariz., said, "SOHO's mission has barely begun, but it looks as if its complex suite of instruments will reveal many things." One of the central challenges, said Dr. Andrea K. Dupree of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., will be "to see how material gets out through the solar surface into the solar wind, when the bottom of the sun shakes and quivers." The solar wind, a blast of electrically charged particles, atoms and molecules streaming from the Sun, interacts with the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere. At times when the Sun is most active, the solar wind is intense enough to cause surges of electric current that disrupt radio and telephone communications.