MDI Standard Quality Bit Definitions

The following table lists those bits that are standard for most MDI data products. Bits set automatically are set in DATA_SW; those set manually reside in PROBLEM.
Exception: Bit 31 is set only in PROBLEM.

The QUALITY keyword combines the valid bits of DATA_SW and PROBLEM.

Standard MDI QUALITY Bits
Bit Meaning of Set Bit Comment
0 (0001) Any telemetry problem/missing The TELEMERR portion of gather_qual
1 (0002) T_OBS Missing Data Record MISSING (TS_EQ @ >Lev1 only)
2 (0004) > 0 Missing 5 maskable bits indicating fraction of expected image missing in telemetry
bit n set implies bit n-1 set for 2 < n < 7
3 (000c) > 0.01 Missing
4 (001c) > 0.1 Missing
5 (003c) > 0.5 Missing
6 (007c) > 0.9 Missing
7 (0080) On-board Processing Error E.g. F000
8 (0100) Pointing Anomaly E.g. RMW Mode or Spacecraft Rolled
9 (0200) MDI is NOT in PRIME 60 From MDI_SW
10 (0400) Cosmic Rays Excessive number of statistically unlikely pixels
11 (0800) Statistics unlikely Gross image statistics unlikely for the observable
31 (80000000) 1 in PROBLEM if prob_upd has been run PROB_VLD bit set to 0 when DATA_SW is set

Page last revised Monday, 24-Feb-2003 11:53:22 PST
Please address comments and questions to Rick Bogart, SOI Data Scientist

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