An X-ray Solar Eclipse
Science Nugget: Feb 27, 1998
The highlight this week was of course the solar eclipse. This eclipse occurred
during Thursday late night, JST, so the observation tables had to be loaded
several hours in advance. Full-Sun images with a cadence of approximately
32 seconds were acquired during all three eclipse episodes (see last week's
Eclipse Planning Page for details).
Partial-Sun images were acquired of a small active region just on the edge
of the moon's apparent path. Due to a planning oversight, the resulting
cadence of those images was 10 seconds, rather than the hoped-for 8 seconds.
Analysis of those images will occupy us for some time.
Movies of the eclipse episodes as viewed by Yohkoh SXT are
linked here. To view an event, click on one of the image below.
Eclipse Observing Team: D. McKenzie, H. Hudson, R. Kano, T. Shimizu,
S. Yasiro
David McKenzie, 27-Feb-97 (email