The LEFT image is a white-light polarization brightness (pB) composite image of the solar corona observed on 1999 November 12 between 17:00 and 22:00 UT. The solar corona images were taken with the ground-based MLSO/HAO Mark IV (middle) and the LASCO C2/SOHO (outermost image) coronagraphs. The innermost picture of the solar disk is an H-alpha image of the Sun taken with the ground-based BBSO telescopes. The RIGHT image is a synthesized pB map from a 3D empirical model of the corona derived from UVCS observations of the plasma properties inside and outside an equatorial coronal hole. The large equatorial hole (dark region in the image) is visible above the west limb. (Miralles et al. 2001, Astrophys. J., 549, L257)