Contour plots of the oxygen velocity distribution function in a theoretical model of ion heating by cyclotron resonance with high-frequency (10 to 10,000 Hz) Alfven waves. The velocity distribution function is plotted at five temporal "snapshots" in a kinetic simulation, where the oxygen ions are assumed to be in a homogeneous plasma that contains a power-law wavenumber spectrum of Alfven waves propagating parallel to the background magnetic field. The ions begin (at t=0) in an isotropic distribution characterized by a temperature of approximately 2 million K. As time evolves in the simulation, the ions diffuse to large perpendicular speeds, and the temperature in the perpendicular direction grows to values exceeding 300 million K. The distribution functions are plotted versus the components of the ion velocity parallel to the magnetic field (horizontal axis) and perpendicular to the magnetic field (vertical axis). The white contours in the plots enclose the central "core" of the distribution (i.e., where most of the particles reside in velocity space), and the colors represent decreasing levels of the distribution function away from the core, from purple to blue to green to yellow to red. (Cranmer 2001, J. Geophys. Res., 106, in press)