LASCO/C2 images from (a) 22 May, (b) 26 May, and (c) 1 June 1997. The white line shows the equator and the direction to Ulysses, 10 degrees north of the equator. The streamer belt was confined to the equator during this entire interval, but changed appearance. There was a bright, isolated streamer during 21-25 May and also from 29 May to 1 June. During 26-28 May the equatorial streamer broadened into a fan (or "forest") made up of several rays without an obvious isolated streamer. This forest is interpreted as a result of viewing the streamer belt more from the side than from along the belt. The quadrature date was 26 May, when Ulysses lay exactly off the limb of the Sun with respect to SOHO. The direction to Ulysses was just inside the boundary of the bright streamer at 5 solar radii. Solar minimum conditions existed throughout the observations. (Suess et al., JGR, 105 (A11), 25033-25051, 2000)