The Synoptic Carrington map of UVCS/SOHO O VI intensity generated for the Whole Sun Month campaign (August to September 1996) (Strachan et al. 1997, in proceedings of the SOHO 5 "The Coronal and Solar Wind near Minimum Activity", Oslo). The observations were obtained along the East limb at a heliocentric height of 1.75 solar radii. The map shows the logarithm of intensities as a function of Carrington longitude and latitude for almost two solar rotations. Brighter regions correspond to the higher intensities; dark, to regions where the relative intensities are small. e.g., as in coronal holes. The map is based on line of sight intensities observed in the corona above the limb and so they give only an approximation of the spatial extent of structures in the longitudinal direction. (see also Strachan et al. 2000, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 2345)