
Internal Rotation: Team Policy

Team Coordinator: Jesper Schou


Official Data Policy

The Internal Rotation team will submit a team paper by August 1, 1997. Prior to this date (or the submission of the paper, whichever comes first) team members are encouraged to work with the available frequency splitting data but should not submit any results for publication. The data will not be publicly available before this time. After this time all datasets will be made publicly available. Prior to this time the team may decide to publish results of exceptional interest. In case of disagreement between the team members a final decision will be made by the PI, the team leaders and the local coordinator.

In the future mode parameters will be determined for 72 day blocks of data. The goal will be to make such mode parameters freely available within 4 month of the end of the block. Longer time-series will also be analyzed from time to time with results made available as is practical.

This page last reviewed 11 Apr 1997

Please address comments and questions to the Team Coordinator

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