
SOI/GOLF Intercomparison Development Plan & Status

Team Coordinator: Rick Bogart


			Begin		End
Development Plan	93.11.17	93.01.14
    x	Complete outline plan (this document)
    x	Identify Responsible Programmer
	Prepare development plan
Implementation		94.01.17	94.05.31 ?
	Generation of artificial level 0 dataset
	Description of datasets for DSDS
	Function to generate (uncalibrated) datasets from
	  artificial level 0 data
	Review IP procedures for generation of magnetic proxy
	Modify low-rate telemetry data processing to generate
	  level 0 data
Testing			94.01.31 ?	94.07.29 ?	
	Function to mimic IP generation of proxy date from
	  filtergrams: test and verify proxies
	End-to-end verification from artificial raw data
	Verification of telemetry processing in conjunction with
	  onboard software development

This page last reviewed and revised 8 May 1995

Please address comments and questions to the Team Coordinator

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