Emerging/Submerging/Canceling Magnetic Flux Regions (SOHO JOP # 1)

Lead Investigator: Ted Tarbell

Team Members: Julia Saba, Jake Wolfson, & JOP 1 Investigators (Joe Gurman, lead)


The objective is to study coronal heating (and more generally the coronal dynamics) associated with emerging and cancelling magnetic features in quiet sun. EIT, CDS and SUMER will provide measurements of heating rates and Doppler shifts in a variety of transition region and coronal temperature ranges. MDI will make continuum, velocity and magnetic observations of a large field of view including the area of the spectrometers' rasters, using a subset of the high resolution field. This will be run as an 8-hour campaign program, which would logically run 3 days in a row to follow the same region as it rotates. A more detailed description may be found in the JOP 1 documentation available in the SOHO Science Operations web pages.