Provision of Ground-Based Full-Disk Magnetograms

Lead Investigator: Edward Rhodes, USC

Other Team Members:
Natasha Johnson, USC
Perry Rose, USC
Leonid Didkovsky, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
Phil Scherrer, Stanford U.
Todd Hoeksema, Stanford U.


We plan to provide full-disk magnetograms having a spatial resolution of 1024x1024 pixels from the Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Solar Tower and having a resolution of 488x488 pixels from the CrAO Solar Tower to the SOHO Project Office. Generally, these magnetograms will be obtained at a rate of two per day from each location, but the capability exists at either observatory for us to obtain time series of digital magentograms at the rate of one per minute for up to 11 hours per day per site if the acquistion of such a time series should be deemed important enough for us to interrupt our normal helioseismology observations at each site. Eventually, it is also hoped to upgrade the spatial resolution of the Crimean magnetograms so that they will exactly match that of the 60-Foot Tower's magnetograms.

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