Investigation Title: High Resolution FOV Time-Distance Helioseismology. Lead Investigator: Peter Milford (Parallel Rules Inc.) Team Members: Tom Duvall (Stanford University) Sasha Kosovichev (Stanford University) SOI Coordinator: Tom Duvall SSSC Programmer: Katie? Luiz? Abstract/Technical Summary: The goal is measure local solar subsurface properties by inverting time-dis- tance data measured from high resolution field-of-view data. The techniques of Time-Distance helioseismology have been/are being applied to `full disk' resolution data. This SOI proposal is to work in con- junction with the Team science objective `Time-Distance helioseismology' to develop high resolution time-distance helioseismology. Investigation Plan: Goals: Measure local solar properties as a function of depth and position. Corre- late with surface conditions. Initially determine sound speed only, develop- ing to flows and other quantities. Study structure and dynamics of small-scale active phenomena such as sunspots. Techniques: Apply time-distance analysis to high resolution field of view doppler data. Invert the data using techniques suitable for large datasets, such as conju- gate gradient methods. Observations: The observations consist of High resolution field of view dopplergrams, probably a minimum of 8 hour periods, with a few interspersed magneto- grams. Associated Investigations: This investigation uses different techniques but has similar goals to the Rings analysis, which determines sub-surface flows using other methods. It complements the global time-distance analysis and the surface correlation tracking measuring surface flows. Approximate initial task list: 1. Adapt the existing Time-distance analysis techniques to the require- ments of a smaller field-of-view. 2. Depending on timeline, either use early 8 hour MDI HR observations or import existing 10 hour LaPalma dataset as a test dataset. Consider artificial datasets. 3. Using test dataset tune the analysis for the smaller field-of-view. Understand in detail issues such as noise, spatial and temporal trade- offs etc. 4. Further develop the inversions, initially for sound speed then flows. References: "Time-Distance Helioseismology", T.L. Duvall Jr., S.M. Jefferies, J.W. Harvey, M.A. Pomerantz, Nature 362, 430-432, 1993. The Frequency Variation of Solar Acoustic Wave Travel Times", T.L. Duvall Jr., S.M. Jefferies, J.W. Harvey, M.A. Pomerantz, proceedings of Applications of Time Series in Astronomy and Meteorology, a meeting held in Padova, Italy, Sept. 1993, ed. O. Lessi, 179-182. "Use of Acoustic Wave Travel Time Measurements to Probe the Near-Surface Layers of the Sun", Jefferies, S.M., Osaki, Y., Shibahashi, H., Duvall, T.L. Jr., Harvey, J.W., and Pomerantz, M.A. 1994, Astrophys. J.434, 795-800. "Time-Distance Helioseismology: An Update", Duvall, T.L. Jr. 1994, proceedings of the GONG '94 conference, 465-474. "Time-Distance Helioseismology in the Vicinity of Sunspots", D'Silva, S. and Duvall, T.L. Jr. 1994, Astrophys. J. 438, 454-462. "Mapping Wave Speed and Flows Below Solar Active Regions", Duvall, T.L. Jr., D'Silva, S., Jefferies, S.M., Harvey, J.W., and Schou, J., 1995, (in preparation).