Study of the low frequency part of the Power Spectrum

LEAD INVESTIGATOR: Alessandro Cacciani

E. Fossat, P. F. Moretti, J.M. Robillot, G. Severino
(other researchers of Rome, Naples, Nice and Bordeaux are going to join this team)


In the framework of a collaboration of the University of Rome, the Astronomical Observatory of Naples, the french network IRIS and the Astophysical Observatory of Bordeaux, an effort is being made to investigate all possible sources of noise (instrumental and solar) that make the low frequency part of the oscillatory spectrum ( p-modes below 2 mHz and g modes at lower frequencies) difficult to detect. The resources for this task are based on the availability of data analysis algorithms as well as a wide observational capability from the ground (both imaging and integrated disk for Doppler and magnetic field). The SOI data from the space are considered ideal, as far as the observing coverage and the absence of atmospheric noise are concerned, to step ahead toward the accomplishment of the proposed task of disentangle the various kind of solar, atmospheric and instrumental noises.

Complete text of proposal.