Chromospheric Oscillations
J.G. Doyle
Currently I am putting to-gether a CDS/SUMER observational sequence to look
for 3-6 min chromospheric oscillations. At present I have developed a series
of sequences to measure lines with a range of formation temperatures; e.g.
continuum regions to diagnostic the <8000K plasma, C I for the 8000K plasma,
Si II/C II for the 10,000-20,000K plasma, O IV/O V lines for the transition
region at 100,000-250,000K, and Mg X, Fe XII & Fe XIII for the coronal plasma.
It is unlikely that we will see oscillations up to such high temperatures, but
in addition, these sequences will give the electron density at 100,000K and
1000,000K on a time resolution of 15sec for a period of approx. 2hr
duration during the planned 8hr sequence. Furthermore, data concerning
explosive events will be fore-coming from these sequences due to the time
resolution, duration and range of temperature formation studied. In order to
explore this data properly, one requires a knowledge of the magnetic field
structure, hence MDI & EIT. We would like information from MDI concerning
photospheric flow patterns and on the overall magnetic structure. EIT data is
required in order to give details on the structure at coronal temperatures.
The planned sequence will last approx. 8hr, we would request at two runs of
this sequence, (i) a quiet region and (ii) an active region. If possible, I
would request time on CDS, SUMER, MDI & EIT during the week of July 21.
Complete text of proposal.