We currently are investigating the physical processes that create the thermally inhomogeneous chromosphere. Specifically, we will seek to determine the detailed relationship between the spatio-temporal distribution of mechanical wave energy in the photosphere and overlying cool COmospheric layers. We are conducting a series of observations during the week 21-25 October with the IR stigmatic imaging system at Kitt Peak: repeated raster maps covering an area of 1 arcmin by approx 1/3 arcmin at disk center (no rotation compensation), with a cadence of approx 1 minute per map. (Here, a map consists of thermal and velocity information, extracted from the line depths and Doppler shifts, respectively). We will obtain, at the same time, CaK images from the high-L Helioseismometer on the KP Vacuum Telescope. This probably is our last observing opportunity until next spring for the IR setup. We hope to obtain coordinated high-res SOHO/MDI Dopplergrams & magnetograms during the IR run in order to provide supporting p-mode & magnetic information to help us interpret the CO thermal and velocity maps (which for disk center lines of sight are formed at an altitude of about 500 km, in the high photosphere). Joint observations will permit us to "sound" the entire photosphere, from the optical continuum forming layers out to the base of the COmosphere zone. We then can determine the inputs of wave energy into the COmosphere from the photospheric side; and perhaps determine the response of the layer through additional contemporaneous observations from SUMER, CDS, & EIT. The resolution we can obtain with the IR setup (1-2 arcseconds) in periods of good seeing is compatible to that of the high-res mode of MDI; allowing us to directly compare the data from the different atmospheric layers.
for more information, please contact fhill@noao.edu or ayres@vulcan.colorado.edu
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