Search for Changes of Plasma Rotation
Velocities Around Sunspots: A
Project for using SOHO/SOI-MDI data
A. Kucera and Jan Rybák,
Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences,
H. Wöhl,
Kiepenheuer-Institut für Sonnenphysik (KIS),
Freiburg, Germany
We are planning long term measurements of sunspot positions and
simultaneous plasma flow measurements around these sunspots.
The scientific goal is similar like in the
work by Lustig and Wöhl (Astron.Astrophys.
278, 637 (1993)). The main difference will be, that using fiber
optics we will be able to measure the plasma velocities around
the sunspots simultaneously and for longer periods to average
the 5-min-periods better. In addition we will measure the plasma
motions not only east and west of the sunspots, but also
north and south of the spots.
The data will be collected by telescopes in Slovakia.
For comparison of our data and for periods, when we cannot collect data
due to technical or bad weather reasons, we intend to use the Doppler
velocity data of SOHO/SOI-MDI. We would need the Doppler velocity
data with the highest spatial resolution available.
No additional text was submitted for this proposal.