We propose to study the process of reconnection in X-ray bright points by using these theoretical predictions in conjunction with a combination of EIT spectroheliograms and MDI high-resolution magnetic field data. This study would require calibrated, daily images from EIT in all three EUV bands, taken in rapid succession, plus a consecutive pair of magnetograms from MDI's high-resolution FOV for each daily EUV set. We would also require information on the temperature response kernels of the telescopes in order to obtain temperature and pressure information.
Data which is presently archived for both instruments should be satisfactory for our purposes. Initially, we would hope to obtain a dataset large enough to identify about 50 XBPs within the MDI high- resolution field, resolved well enough to determine an orientation in EUV. We estimate that three weeks of daily EUV images would be ample. If our method of analysis shows promise based on this initial study, we would like to obtain a larger sampling of data in order to improve our statistics.
Gorbachev and Somov, 1988, Sol. Phys. 117, 77.
Kankelborg, C.C., Walker, A.B.C. Jr., Hoover, R.B. and Barbee, T.W., 1996, ApJ 466, 529.
Longcope, D.W., 1996a, "Topology and current ribbons: A model for current, reconnection and flaring in a complex evolving corona", Sol. Phys., to appear.
Longcope, D.W., 1996b, "Current sheets and reconnection in X-ray bright points", AGU fall 1996.
Parnell, C.E., Priest, E.R. and Golub, L., 1994, Sol. Phys. 151, 57.
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