Coronal Destabilization Leading to CMEs
Mark Lyons (LASCO)
On 2 June 1997 LASCO observed a multiple CME event occurring towards the
SE. The chain of events involved a primary mass eruption near the equator
being followed by a series of loop-like CMEs each ejected at progressively
higher latitudes (i.e. towards the south pole). There was also ejection
of material to the NW coinciding with that from the SE.
Associated with this event was an h-alpha filament which disappeared
sometime near the onset of the initial CME and was followed by the
formation of an arcade of loops over the filament position seen in soft
x-rays (Yohkoh/SXT).
This event is an example of a global response of the solar corona to some
destabilisation process. It is hoped that MDI magnetograms will shed some
light on the magnetic topology involved, possibly showing how the magnetic
structure changes with time. This may help model the event and provide
some clues on the possible triggering mechanism in question.