Detection of Alpha Particles from Solar Flares

Z. Frank, D. Alexander, M. Aschwanden, R. Nightingale

Abstract/Technical Summary:

We propose to use archived MDI magnetic data to align with TRACE UV/EUV images of active regions during or prior to flare events of various sizes. Initially, this will add to a survey of events from April 1, 1998 through June 24, 1998 (and later, if MDI is operational following the SOHO recovery). We will use the MDI information to get the magnetic field configuration around flare times. We hope, eventually, to add alpha particle flux information as seen by the Alpha Particle Spectrometer on-board the Lunar Prospector spacecraft (pending funding) to determine which of these events directly affected the near-earth environment. We will use full disk magnetograms, in most cases; high resolution on occasions when large and lively active regions were in the high resolution field of view.