Draft plan for SOI Team Science and Individual Investigations Draft of 22 Sept 1994
The following outline is a draft plan for monitoring the flow of SOI investigations. It is intended to provide a well defined flow for investigations from idea submission through to analysis of data and publication. This is presently just a draft plan. Comments are welcome.
SOI Investigation Page:
Each SOI "Investigation" will have a SOI Investigation Page. This includes SOI Team Science as well as Individual Investigations. The Team Science Objectives will generally have several pages each. The WWW page that will be used to track each SOI science investigation will contain at least the following fields:
Field Contents SOI Objective: Short few word descriptive name for the investigation SOI ID: Team Science or Individual Collaboration flag, code, number Technical Short - 1-2 paragraph abstract of the investigation Summary: including approach, data needed, type of analysis, science objective. Lead Team leader, usually Co-I or Co-I associated A-I In the Investigator: case of A-Is, the sponsoring Co-I will be listed. Team: List of team members, includes Local Coord. and Lead Investigator Local SU or LPARL responsible scientist. - For Team Science Coordinator: SOI objectives the Local Coordinator is an active member of the team. For "individual investigations" the Local Coordinator will at least be the point of contact for help and will guide the investigation through the Investigation Development step. Responsible SU Technical support person - only for Team Science SOI Programmer: objectives Notification List of people to notify when this document changes. In List: particular when the History is updated for each step in the Investigation flow this list will be e-mailed a notification. Schedule: Schedule outline for analysis development, observations, processing, and analysis Investigation More detailed investigation plan. Should include Plan: detailed observation and analysis plans. Can identify several approaches but should be limited to well defined objective. Can reference other SOI Objectives and MDI Observations for similar or identical analysis or observation components. Should be a one to five page mini-proposal with enough detail that others can really tell what is the scope of the planned investigation. Rather than including a broad range of objectives possible from a given dataset, the investigation should be targeted to a specific science objective. There will likely be several science objectives that can be supported by many of the MDI Observation sequences. Where possible, existing SOI Analysis Modules and MDI Observation Sequences should be referenced. Outstanding Describe the known observational and/or analysis Problems: problems that must be overcome for a successful investigation MDI list (one or more) MDI Observation Sequences that Observation will/can be used to satisfy the observation Sequences: requirements. Specify the parameters required where there are options. When no sequence is known, this section should be blank. When the sequence is developed that meets the requirements in the Investigation Plan section, the references will be added here. SOI Analysis List (one or more) SOI Analysis Modules or Pipelines Modules: that will/can be used to satisfy the front-end analysis requirements. If not available or not known yet, this section will be left blank at the proposal stage. This section will be filled in with appropriate module names and parameters when available. Collaborative Description of non-SOI aspects of the investigation. Aspects This description should include joint observations, joint analyses, SOI data needed as correlative data for ground-based studies, vice versa, etc. All significant non-SOI requirements should be described here. Requirement Summary of requirements including solar conditions, MDI Summary: mode, special cadence, associated observations, computational requirements, etc. Datasets: List of main DSDS holdings associated with this investigation. At least the DSDS Dataset "Project" names should be listed here to allow a starting point for catalog searches. History: A list of events in the life of this investigation including original posting date, MDI observations built, Analysis Built, observations scheduled, observations made, data available, papers published. There will be an entry here for each step accomplished in the SOI Investigation Flow. These entries will be in a table and will include the Step number, date, person, and optional notes. See Also: List of related SOI Investigation Pages
There will also be WWW pages for each MDI Observing Sequence and for each SOI Analysis Module and associated Pipeline. The formats of these pages is being developed.
The MDI Observation Sequence description should contain detailed information about the observing sequence for structure program, dynamics program, or more commonly, for a campaign observation. There should be a name or number which identifies the particular set of measurements to be made. This name/number is what would be scheduled to be run and for which parameters would be defined for a particular campaign. There will likely be a set of sequence IDs for each SOI Investigation since many sequences may well provide the observations needed for a particular need.
At the Quarterly/Monthly SOI Team meeting a set of Campaigns will be scheduled for the coming month. The schedule will be in the form of a set of fully developed Investigation Plans that are ready to run. For each investigation a summary entry will be made in the Science Observing Plan. Such an entry may look like:
Science Observing Plan entry:
SOI Objective SG-13 10 Jan 1995 MDI Obs Seq HRDOP-8b parameters for HRDOP-8b options HRDOP-19 parameters for HRDOP-19 Duration 3 days Repeat run 4 times Conditions quiet sun in HR field. Priority within 2 months Analysis L1: HR_dop & HR_Intens track max region, 3D FFT/day L2: SG_day_analysis.v3.4
The MDI Operations team would select the MDI Observation Sequences to be sent to MDI in the coming week. The Ops team would schedule the actual observations based on solar and SOHO and MDI conditions. A coarse observation plan would be made for, say, the first of the four repeats. The coarse observation plan might be resolved to have lines like:
Coarse Observing Plan entry
Plan Date Slot Duration Objective Obs Sequence Parameter file 25-Jan-95 Normal Camp > 7 hr SG-13 HRDOP-19 param file name 26-Jan-95 Normal Camp > 7 hr SG-13 HRDOP-19 param file name 27-Jan-95 Normal Camp > 7 hr SG-13 HRDOP-19 param file name
The detailed command loads will be built to accomplish the Coarse Observing Plan. Once the observations are complete, the Operations team will produce a summary log which is an abstract of completed observations. The Summary Log could have a form similar to the Coarse Observing Plan.
The science observing plan, coarse observation plan, and log files should be available from HTTP. Only a few lines per day would be normally present. We could decide about HTML links for the SOI Objective and MDI Obs Seqs.
SOI Analysis Module:
There will be a "page" for each SOI analysis module or built-up pipeline. These will be essentially man pages but will be organized to include PE map instructions and have examples with real dataset names. A pipeline description will be in terms of Analysis Modules. There should be HTML links between pipe descriptions and module descriptions.
SOI Dataset Name "Projects":
There should be a "page" for each proj_name that describes the rough intent of data products and processing steps for the datasets in the project. The SOI Analysis Modules used should be referenced. This text should be accessible from the proj_name in some database query and from HTML links in SOI Analysis Module pages. The "final" level dataset descriptions could/should be cross referenced from the SOI Objective pages in the History section.