
Ring-Diagram Detailed Specifications

Team Coordinator: Rick Bogart


Plan for Pipeline Ring Diagram Analysis

        R. S. Bogart, D Haber, F. Hill, & J. Toomre

        v. 0.1          94.07.25

1.  When:
	During Dynamics time or any time essentially continuous full-disc
	and/or high-res velocity and/or intensity (line depth?) images are
	available for minimum of 3 days.

2.  Data:
	Extract subimages of each calibrated observable mapped into azimuthal
	equidistant coordinates with fixed position angle centered on a set of
	selection points.  The mapped subimages for the full-disc field should
	have an extent of 40 degrees, i.e. extend at least 20 degrees from the
	selection center in all directions.  The subimages on the hig-res field
	will be smaller.  The subimages will track in Eulerian coordinates
	moving at a constant but arbitrary rotation rate applicable to the
	latitude of the selection center and referred to the heliographic
	coordinates of the extracted subimage at a fixed epoch.

	The selection centers will be located at approximately 15 degree
	spacings extending as far as +/-60 degrees latitude (closer for the
	high-res field).  Whether the selection centers will be selected so
	that they are at the same heliographic longitude or the same
	co-rotating location at their latitude is TBD, but in any case the
	selection centers should be labeled by their heliographic coordinates
	at central meridian passage and the time (or Carrington rotation
	number) of central meridian passage.  The beginning and end of data for
	each tracked data array (disc crossing) is TBD; intensity may be
	trackable for a longer period than velocity on full-disc images.

3.  Analysis:
	For each time series of tracked subimages at a given selection center,
	compute the 3d spatial-temporal power spectra for time samples of 3
	days' duration; if the data series is longer, multiple power spectra
	are to be computed such that the whole data series is sampled.  For
	each power spectrum, parameters describing the location, shape, and
	thickness in k_x-k_y-omega space of the rings of maximum power are
	computed, probably by the method of steepest descent using initial
	values which are updated from time to time as better determinations are
	made of the average computed values.  The ring parameters are indexed
	by n and functions of omega; the tabulated parameters are the u and v
	coefficients of the expansion of the perturbations of the radius of the
	ring as function of azimuth; the ring radius and thickness and

This page last reviewed and revised 5 May 1995

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