Conforming Dataset Required Keywords CONFORMS Conforming Dataset Type. Some types require additional keywords to be present. Types include: TS Time Series TS_BLOCKED TS but blocked into multiple Datasets, one dataset per interval. TS_EQ TS_BLOCKED with equal intervals between data records within each dataset. TS_EQ_TILE Like TS_EQ but series number step is T_SNSTEP rather than T_BLOCK as it is for TS_EQ and TS_BLOCKED. L_NU 2-D data containing solar oscillation mode spectra. DOPCAL Doppler calibration datasets. MISC Miscellaneous Data. PROTOCOL File storage protocols for Record and Data sections of the Conforming Dataset. The PROTOCOL value consists of two fields seperated with a ".". The first field is the Record info file type and the second field is the Data storage protocol. Recognized protocols include: RDB Simple ascii tables conforming the the "/rdb" file spec. FITS FITS files, one file per record per variable. FITS_MERGE One FITS file per variable with the "record axis" being the first, or slowest varying, index axis. CDF CDF files. Most MDI image data in level-1 and level-1.5 are stored as RDB.FITS. Structure Program data and Spherical Harmonic data is RDB.FITS_MERGE. Depending on the value of CONFORMS additional keywords may be required. These include: CONFORMS=TS T_EPOCH Specifies reference epoch and type, UT or TAI. T_FIRST Time of earliest data record. T_LAST Time of latest data record. CONFORMS=TS_BLOCKED Same as TS but with additional keywords: T_BLOCK Time interval of the dataset. T_START Nominal start time of the Dataset. T_STOP Nominal start time of the next dataset in the series. CONFORMS=TS_EQ Same as TS_BLOCKED but with additional keyword: T_STEP Interval between data records. CONFORMS=TS_EQ_TILE Same as TS_EQ but with additional keyword: T_SNSTEP Units of series number. CONFORMS=L_NU T_START T_START from earliest contributing Dataset. T_STOP T_STOP from latest contributing Dataset. M_TYPE One of: "mavg", "zonal", "sector". FMIN Frequency of first row of image (Hz). FMAX Frequency of last row of image (Hz). Computed from FMIN, FDELTA, and image dimension. FDELTA Delta frequency between rows. LMIN Spherical harmonic degree l of first column in image. LMAX Spherical harmonic degree l of last column im image. CONFORMS=DOPCAL DOPORDER Max order of Doppler calibration data. CAL_DPC Data product code for cal data