Stanford Helioseismology Archive - prog:gong+


The data in this program are derived from observations made by the high-resolution GONG+ instruments of the Global Oscillations Network Group.


These data are freely available with one restriction: If you use the data or some product based on the data in a published paper, we ask that you include an acknowledgement as follows:

NSO/Kitt Peak data used here are produced cooperatively by NSF/NOAO, NASA/GSFC, NOAA/SEL, and Bartol.

For further information, contact Frank Hill, GONG Data Scientist,

Available Processing Levels

For a general description of processing levels within the SHA database, see the SOI Datasets description.


Daily sets of calibrated images (Dopplergrams, magnetograms, intensity, and modulation), organized by observing site and by observable. These data correspond to the GONG data sets processed with Hankel Geometry, SCPzi, where SC = {bb|ml|le|ud|td|ct|tc} and P = {v|i|m|b}. The data have been ingested "as is", with all images from a given observing day (corresponding to the calendar day at the site) collected into each data set. (Only the the populated series are listed.)
Site Observable
Learmonth Doppler Zeeman Intensity Modulation
Udaipur Doppler Zeeman Intensity
El Teide Doppler Zeeman Intensity Modulation
Cerro Tololo Doppler Zeeman Intensity
Big Bear Doppler Zeeman Intensity
Mauna Loa Doppler Zeeman Intensity
Tucson Doppler Zeeman Intensity Modulation


Selected daily sets of merged Dopplergrams as provided privately by the GONG project.


1664-minute tracked cubes of the merged Doppler data arranged in "dense-pack" strips, and the corresponding power spectra.
52.5 data cubes power spectra
45.0 data cubes power spectra
37.5 data cubes power spectra
30.0 data cubes power spectra
22.5 data cubes power spectra
15.0 data cubes power spectra
7.5 data cubes power spectra
0.0 data cubes power spectra
-7.5 data cubes power spectra
-15.0 data cubes power spectra
-22.5 data cubes power spectra
-30.0 data cubes power spectra
-37.5 data cubes power spectra
-45.0 data cubes power spectra
-52.5 data cubes power spectra
0.0 data cubes power spectra

Page last revised Saturday, 20-Dec-2014 09:05:48 PST
Please address comments and questions to Rick Bogart, SOI Data Scientist

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