SOI Data Programs - prog:hlh,ser:monthly

Available data series

Each series is a campaign of daily observations, typically undertaken at approximately monthly intervals.

Continuity is the fraction of possible datasets between the starting and ending datasets (days) that actually exist.

Series Numbers Levels First Last Continuity
93_1 0-3 1i, 1.5 1993.03.30 1993.04.02 1.000 o
93_2 0-3 1i, 1.5 1993.04.27 1993.04.30 1.000 o
93_3 0-3 1i, 1.5 1993.05.25 1993.05.28 1.000 o
93_4 0-3 1i, 1.5 1993.06.22_13:39:00 1993.06.25_00:40:00 1.000 o
93_5 0-3 1i, 1.5 1993.07.20 1993.07.23 1.000 o
93_6 0-1 1i, 1.5 1993.08.18 1993.08.19 1.000 o
93_7 0-3 1i, 1.5 1993.09.15 1993.09.17 1.000 o
93_8 0-2 1i, 1.5 1993.10.12 1993.10.14 1.000 o
93_9 0-2 1i, 1.5 1993.10.19 1993.10.21 1.000 o
93_10 0-1 1i, 1.5 1993.11.09 1993.11.10 1.000 o
93_11 0-3 1i, 1.5 1993.12.07 1993.12.10 0.750 o
94_1 0-4 1i, 1.5 1994.01.04 1994.01.08 0.800 o

Format of this page last reviewed 6 September, 1995.

Please address comments and questions to Rick Bogart

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