SOI Data Programs - prog:hlh
The data in this program are derived from datasets imported from the
High-l Helioseismometer of the
National Solar Observatory at
Kitt Peak National Observatory.
These data are freely available with one restriction: If you use the data
or some product based on the data in a published paper, we ask that you
include an acknowledgement as follows:
NSO/Kitt Peak data used here are produced cooperatively by
For further information, contact Frank Hill,
Available Processing Levels
For a general description of processing levels within the SOI database,
see the SOI Datasets description.
- lev1i:
the calibrated Ca-K filtergrams as provided by NSO (FITS files, one per image).
Associated Data Series: monthly
- lev1i_mc:
same as lev1i, but corrected for the modulation
transfer function to enhance spatial resolution.
Associated Data Series: same as for lev1i.
- lev1.5:
Level 1 datasets associated with ancillary data required for
Level 2 processing.
Associated Data Series: same as for Level 1.
- lev2_track: selected regions of
the photosphere mapped and tracked from the images over time.
Associated Data Series: region
Available Data Series
- monthly:
- sample monthly:
There is one series for each ``monthly'' campaign of
observations, generally of 3 or 4 days' duration, but sometimes lasting
a full month (or even longer). Each series is named from the calendar year
in which the observing begins and a sequence number for the number of the
campaign within that year, YY_N, e.g. 93_1, 93_2,
etc.. Within a series, observations made on each calendar day
at the observatory are collected into a data set numbered starting
from the first day of observations in that series,
e.g. 93_1[0], 93_1[1], etc..
Each complete Level 1 data set should
normally contain roughly 500-1000 images, depending on the length of the
observing day and the observing cadence.
- region: There is one series for each tracked region. Each
series is named from the UT day of central meridian passage of the center
of the region and the heliographic coordinates of the center of the region,
YYMMDD_±BB_LLL. Each Level 2 data set contains a single
3-dimensional data cube.
This page last revised 14 December, 1995.
Please address comments and questions to Rick Bogart, SOI Data Scientist
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